有關飯店的英文作文 20點

2015-03-24 6:42 am

TOMING88 你好: 我覺得你的這篇比較是在講中國餐廳,而不是我要的飯店,我要的是住宿經驗啊或者是介紹一間旅館,就是能住人的那種,而不是只能吃飯的.我要hotel不要restaurant. 還有如果可以把中文翻譯附上更好 謝謝


TOMING88 你好: 不然我用中文寫一篇 你直接幫我翻成英文 這樣可以嗎? 我要分享有關我入住飯店的經驗: 富立登國際大飯店正門,外型很摩登,色彩鮮艷,一看就是很有設計感的飯店。服務人員很熱心地替我們拉行李到電梯口,幫我們按了電梯。要進客梯前等待的時間,我發現到天花板的七彩吊燈,心情頓時愉悅起來,開始幻想出電梯後天花板的燈也有特別的設計。果然,是個橫躺的燭枱燈,倒著看還真的挺有意思的。二張小床的房間,設計走的是簡潔風,很新、很乾淨!相片右邊的牆面是用弧形霧面玻璃與浴室做隔間,這種用玻璃隔間感覺跟水泥牆隔間感受很不一樣,不僅新潮,而且空間不會有壓迫感。




浴室是霧面玻璃門,衛浴是日本toto衛浴設備,還算高級。因為是全新的房間,浴室看起來特別乾淨,而且是乾濕分離的喔!洗臉枱是不按常規的擺放,剛開始我還以為飯店擺歪了呢!仔細看才知道原來這是飯店的特殊設計。另外值得一提的是客房內兩支牙刷的顏色不同,這點真的要給富立登大飯店一個大大的讚賞,畢竟入住的兩個人,誤用同色牙刷的機率很高,可見這家飯店貼心與用心之處。地板的顏色宛如馬卡龍般繽紛,與一般飯店地毯沈穩厚重的色調完全不同,真的是Freedom Design Hotel特有的style!整體而言,我對這家飯店的觀感還算不錯,可能是因為她是全新的飯店,一切都還很新。


尤其大廳空間視野遼闊,沒有都市飯店狹窄空間的壓迫感,這點很讚!另外的一個好感是來自於她的色調,因為大部份的飯店都是用很厚重的顏色去堆砌高級感,但這家飯店卻是用色非常大膽,呈現活潑及現代的設計質感,我想年輕人應該會喜歡這種style吧!我問櫃檯,富立登飯店是幾星級的旅館?他們答說,等正式開幕後才會去申請星級評鑑,不過他們是以五星級的規格去建造的。依我看,這家飯店是屬於都會型的精品飯店,應該會受到商務人士的特別青睞,因為聽服務員說這個飯店有個Freedom Bar,提供紅、白酒的服務,西餐廳在宵夜時間也有提供調酒,這點對商務人士應該很有吸引力。

回答 (3)

2015-03-25 11:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Currently, Gold Points are earned at all Radisson hotels in the United States, Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. Residents of these countries can earn points at Radisson SAS and Radisson Edwardian hotels in Europe as well. Members of goldpoints plus earn 10 Gold Points per U.S. dollar spent on the room rate and 1,000 points every time a member books their stay online. Rewarding Travel AgentsRadisson is the only hotel company to offer a patented online loyalty program for travel agents called Look To Book, which allows them to automatically earn points toward valuable merchandise and incentive awards in return for booking Radisson hotels. This exclusive, highly successful program includes travel agents in 106 countries worldwide. It is one of the company's showcase programs for providing business support to its hotels.Radisson has grown from its home country of the United States to become a global leader in the hospitality industry by entering into management agreements, licensing and through embracing partnerships with existing hotel companies. Examples of the company's highly successful partnerships include Rezidor SAS Hospitality's development of Radisson SAS hotels and three other Carlson hotel brands in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Radisson Edwardian Hotels in the United Kingdom.Global presence and expansion into new markets is a key part of Radisson's heritage. Radisson opened the first American-managed hotel in Moscow and today has several locations throughout Europe and the Middle East.Radisson Hotels & Resorts, with headquarters in Minneapolis, Minn., is one of the lodging brands of Carlson Hotels Worldwide. Carlson Hotels Worldwide is part of Carlson Companies, Inc., one of America's largest privately-owned corporations.
參考: 翻譯:目前,金點在美國,加拿大,加勒比海,墨西哥,中南美洲被在全部拉迪森飯店掙。 這些國家的居民也能在拉迪森薩斯和在歐洲的拉迪森英王愛德華時代的飯店掙點。 goldpoints 和收入10 黃金點每美元的成員在在線一本成員書他們的停留每當的房租和1,000 點上度過。 令人滿意的旅行社 拉迪森是唯一的飯店公司提供一個取得專利權的叫指望預定的旅行社的在線的忠實計畫, 哪個允許他們自動掙錢作為對預定拉迪森飯店的報答指向貴重商品和鼓勵獎。 這個專有,非常成功的計畫在全世界的106個國家包括旅行社。 這是用于提供生意對它的飯店的支持公司的櫥窗計畫之一。 拉迪森已經從它的美國的本國增長透過簽
2015-03-24 4:41 pm
---------The English Compo on Grand Hyatt Chinese Restaurant TW20-------
---When you are eating out in the above Chinese Restaurant,you want the exquisite&elegant Chinese styled service. You can have a meal with somebody,business friends in the Chinese Restaurant everyday.You can eat breakfast, lunch, dinner or a meet in a Chinese Restaurant. or called and named an eating place.
---You go out to the mentioned Chinese Restaurant to celebrate or a business meeting.You make a reservation to reserve a table for 6 or book a table for 12.
---In the Chinese Restaurant you wait to be seated.The waiter shows somebody to their table booked.Handing you the menu and studied,you can have the three-course set menu.The waiter takes your order.You all have the soup of the day=shark's fin soup.After enjoying the starter,the main course is the shredded Peking duck,chicken,beef,pork etc.You can't complain about the Chinese food because you are enjoying your meal
---In the paying for the check ,you all pay the meal for i.e.$1500 for 12 people.Service is not included, and you have to leave the waiters a tip=20% surcharge.
---Note a Chinese restaurant is a place where you can eat a meal.You have had a meal in a Chinese Restaurant already.because you 12 went out to a Chinese restaurant to celebrate.It is not a self-service "chinese restaurant" Or a ghost-story.In conclusion, I believe it is clear that 3 minutes is up.Thank you for your time and attention.Thank you for your 20 marks !!!

2015-03-24 15:29:53 補充:
:Amendment:-People stay,paying for their rooms&meals.(2)(We)stay in a 5-star luxury hotel to furnish,serve u with everything,which can accommodate 500 guest-of-honor.(3)Stay in a friendly,family-run hotel(guest-house)for travellers with self-catering(4)Kinds of hotel:-apartment,b&b,flat
2015-03-24 7:07 am

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