Guinea pig problems?

2015-03-23 4:29 am
So a month from today, I will have had my guinea pig, Sprinkles, for a year. She is so cute and soft. The thing is, I don't think she likes me. Or she's scared of me. I know that guinea pigs are naturally skittish, but I've had her for almost a year now. In the beginning I really tried to warm up to her. I gave her some space for a little bit though, because it wasn't working. Everytime I feed her i pet her (if she lets me) while she's in her cage. This is the farthest I've really warmed up to her. I've held her maybe like 5 times. I don't think she likes it very much. Don't worry I've watched videos and I'm holding her correctly haha. I tried the towel method, but I can't even get her in the towel, becuase she jumps out of it while im trying to wrap her up in it every time. Today, while I did my homework, I talked to her and sat with her the whole time, hoping she would warm up to me more, but she didn't. Am I doing something wrong? I really want her to be like my best friend can you please help?? Thanks!

回答 (2)

2015-03-23 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like she is just really scared, some small animals never become really tame. Try to bribe her to be more friendly with food treats, good luck.
2015-03-23 3:58 pm
Your not doing anything wrong. Guinea pigs are prey animals and are skittish. Some will get used to people but many don't. I have had my girls for 5 years now and they are still afraid of me. Its just something you have to accept when you have guinea pigs.
Guinea pigs are social animas and need to be kept in same sex or neutered pairs. She would be happier with a buddy.

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