Where can I find a job that will hire me as a non convicted sex offender in the state of Texas?

2015-03-23 3:51 am
I am a female and I do not have a GED or HS diploma, I just really need a job so I can make money and make my probation officer and Judge happy. I'm on deferred adjudication and I'm not convicted but I do have to register. Please help. Thank you!

回答 (6)

2015-03-23 4:04 am
Deferred adjudication means you had to either plead guilty or no contest, which is the same thing. You are convicted. No one has to register without being convicted of a crime.
2015-03-23 3:56 am
Try going to local temp agencies and tell them you're open for anything. Tell them your situation and they'll call you if they have an opening.

Look on Craigslist for jobs you might be able to do. some ideas might be a receptionist or front office work in companies might work for low education and experience.

See if any family members that work could see if they have jobs in their companies they work for that could hire you.

Consider going back to school part-time to get your GED or even that and an Associates degree. Going to school and working or just school will look better for your P.O. and judge then doing nothing. Maybe think about doing some appropriate volunteer work. Even ask your P.O. for ideas, as she or he might have some ideas on jobs for you in your area.

Good luck.
2016-06-03 9:41 am
參考: Criminal Record Search Database - http://CriminalRecords.raiwi.com/?dWQv
2015-03-24 12:54 am
Start your own business. If you are smart you will find your way. A friend who is a registrant started walking dogs, then got a job at a kennel, then became the manager, then hired other former offenders.
2015-03-23 12:50 pm
As Alan stated, you are convicted. I posted a comment to Alans answers stating that he should read the law. Upon MY reading I found that sex offender crimes are can not be dismissed under deferred probation. All other crimes, when deferred probation is completed, are not considered a conviction:

"On expiration of a community supervision period imposed under Subsection (a), if the judge has not proceeded to adjudication of guilt, the judge shall dismiss the proceedings against the defendant and discharge him."

Here is where I messed up:
"The judge may not dismiss the proceedings and discharge a defendant charged with an offense requiring the defendant to register under Chapter 62."
See Sec 5(c)

Common sense right? When dealing with the law (which are made by politicians) common sense goes out the window. Case in point, a 17 year old can legally move out of their parents home because under the Juvenile Code they are not a "minor" but can not live with someone else other than certain family members because they are a "child" under the Penal Code.

It has been a long time since I was forced to learn something, which is why I answer on YA. With the help of Alans answer and my quickness to assume that people don't read the law (which is the case almost all the time) I did lean that deferred probation is a conviction for registered sex offenders.
2015-03-23 4:51 am
You were convicted. I want you to consider restaurant work as a server or cook. Most small restaurants other don't do BG checks (but your probation officer will notify them)or just don't care (I hire a lot of people in legal trouble and they are for the most part very good employees ) . cracker Barrel is a company that can give a person a real second chance . they will do a BG check but of honest up front and trying to reform they will try to find you a position. Theives ,and murderers are generally excluded. What was your crime? Show your **** on the beach or rape a underage student? That will make a difference.

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