eng sentence question helphelp

2015-03-23 6:33 am
1.xxx is the key to xxxxxxx. 一定要用於係positive?
joining more activities is the key to making you have more friends.
air pollution is the key to suffering the respiratory diseases.有冇問題?

2.xxx plays an important role in xxxxxxx.呢句sentence pattern點解?點樣用?

3.it is taken for granted that ............... 點用?

回答 (3)

2015-03-23 10:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
單是言及 Air pollution 好似不是 positive, “了解空氣污染” 比較 more positive

suffering the respiratory diseases ~ . 這個 phrase錯, 漏了 from (preposition)
應該用suffering from respiratory diseases, 但是意識是 negative
“joining more activities” 與 “making you have more friends” 不是 parallel in structure

我使用句子格式:- gerund phrase + is the key to + gerund phrase

Joining more activities is the key to making more friends.
Understanding air pollution is the key to protecting our environment.

xxx plays an important role in yyy. = 在 yyy 中 xxx "起重要作用" 或者 "扮演重要角色"

Steve Jobs played an important role in Apple’s success.
(Steve Jobs 是以前蘋果電腦公司創辦人)

Julie Andrews played an important role in the film "The Sound of Music"

It is taken for granted = 認為理所當然

It is taken for granted that Dxxxxxxx Girls School is the best girl school in Hong Kong.

It is taken for granted that all freshmen at MIT have high scores on the SAT
(freshmen = 一年級大學生, MIT = 麻省理工學院)

純個人意見, 其他人未必同意, 例句 illustrate 點樣用

參考: Yahoo Dictionary
2015-03-23 10:10 pm
Godfrey, 不好意思, 借版面一用來找你:

(X) have been born
(O) were born


2015-03-29 16:39:19 補充:
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2015-03-23 7:42 am
(1)Air pollution is the key similar to suffering (in) the respiratory diseases.
----A positive simile is comparison of one thing with another,all positive.
(2)role=actor's part in specific task or function
eg:-Romeo plays an important role in (Romeo&Juliet)play.
eg:-Jackie plays an important role in (Kung Fu) drama.
eg:--Model plays an important role in (fashion-show)
(3)It is taken for granted that Air,Sun,Water are gifts free of charge.
---"grant" is consent to fulfil a request with a concession.
----"grant-loan" seems to consent to fulfil students' permit to admit money allowance allowed.
----With best of wishes.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 20:59:10
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