Typical lunch break. How does it look like?:)?

2015-03-22 6:50 am
What do people do during lunch break? Do they leave the office or do they bring food with them to eat? I am starting my first job on Monday and don't have a car, so not sure what to do.

回答 (8)

2015-03-22 3:02 pm
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A typical lunch break. Go wash your hands and do your stuff in the restroom. I usually bring my lunch to wirk. Microwave my food then eitger bring it to my desk, eat with friends in the lunch room or in my car and then take a short nap. For your first day, you bring something light just in case your coworkers like to take you out or share their food. Observe how your other coworkers do at lunch break so that you don't appear to be unfriendly
2015-03-22 4:04 pm
Thank you so much, guys! I surely will take something with me, hopefully they have a place to sit and eat there. Your help is much appreciated.
2015-03-22 7:47 am
I usually brought my lunch, but went out once in a while with co-workers to eat. There were a lot of places to go where I worked.
2015-03-22 7:16 am
I think it would depend on your environment, but where I work (in a research lab), most people there brought their own food. I brought my own as well, because the cafe there was pretty expensive. Usually there is a small room where you can heat up your food in, get plastic utensils, etc. If there is a eatery near you, you could always walk there, but bringing your own food is a good idea until you get used to the environment
2015-03-22 7:08 am
Most of the time I just took my lunch to work, sometimes if I wanted a sugar filled mess or a hot sausage roll I'd take a walk down to the 7-eleven which was next to my building. But that is rare, so usually just bring my own lunch from home.
2015-03-22 6:52 am
it depends on where you work i guess. but if you dont have a car you should definatly bring a lunch. see if your workplace has a breakroom or go outside and eat. im sure they have someplace to see down indoor or outdooor
2015-03-22 4:20 pm
bring your lunch and maybe a book to read during break if there won't be anyone to talk to. Or take a walk around the building after you eat if you have a sit down job.
ANY job I had, those who took break together sat together and ate together, chatting and visiting, getting to know the new person, etc. If no one else takes break at the time you do, thats why you bring the book or puzzles etc.
2015-03-22 11:38 pm
It would be best to take a lunch for the first day, and ask others in the office if they are allowed to leave during lunch or if you all have to stay there.

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