急問!! 有限公司辭任董事職位後變成股東,是不是需還負債?

2015-03-22 6:48 am
我和朋友 ( 下稱 A ) 合資開的公司,一直我都沒有參與公司內部所有事,我只以借名形式與 A 合作,每年公司賺蝕我一概沒有分紅或需額外比錢經營。而我自己本身有一間獨資公司營運。

一年前,A 跟我說,剛與客人簽約的項目上營運出現了困難,引至很多負債。A 前後私下問我借錢續經營,我已附出超過過百萬需沒收回。上個月,經我查明後,公司狀況真的很差。最差更是 A 與客人罵翻,惹上官非,A 沒有到法庭抗辯,法庭最後判了敗訴。需償還更大額的金錢給該客人。

我倆相議後,我於過去一星期,辭任該公司董市職位,準備申請辦埋退股。誰知我一查之下,秘書公司說,A 一直於過去幾年間沒有做好周年報表及營運好公司,沒有最新同齊全周年報表,是不可以申請轉股。秘書公司更說,BR 已過期很久,加上要全面做返好的周年報表,需要額外一筆很大費用。或者由第三者申請公司清盤,才可解決。如是者,我現在除了煩緊如何解決轉股問題,另一問題又來了。

因 A 在經營公司時,欠下很多負債。債權人找收數佬上門到我家大吵大罵,說找不到 A 還錢,要我承擔 A 的所有負債。根我所知,有限公司若拖欠負債,董市負擔公司決策,當然要負責任,而我在網上看過搜尋過資料,股東應該是沒需要為負債而負責任 。這就是有限公司和無限公司最大分別之處。

但收數佬揚言,因 A 跟債權人簽約時,我當時也有份是董市身份,過後出現問題,我才辭任董事職位,是無補於事,他表明我必需為 A 去清還負債。再加上之前所說,法庭判了敗訴,數字就像天文數字,令我百上加根很困擾。

我已多翻四次報警求助,但形無補於事。由於負債金額太大,我根本無能力可以負擔,我亦不想因為 A 的問題,而令我現在獨資經營公司出現其他問題。( 例如我申請破產 )


我不期望我之前附出超過過百萬可以有回報收回。但現時情況,是不是當時簽約我是董事,公司我有份,即使過後我辭任董事職位,變成股東也是無補於事,我需為 A 去負責還錢...我可如何解決,去那裡求助,才可令事件完結。

回答 (3)

2015-03-22 2:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The best way to answer your questions are based on each individual issue.

1. LTD Debts

In short - you are wrong. A director needs not to be responsible for debts of a LTD .

The exact detail depends on how the loan is originated. But, if A borrowed the money in the name of the LTD , the LTD is the sole entity liable for the debt. The only way to recover is to liquidate the LTD.

Collection companies profit from recovered debts (as they bought debts from banks). So they will use whatever excuses to "encourage" repayment, even if they are false and incorrect. What tricky is they are not banks' agents (as the debts were sold to them). Banks are not liable for their misconduct.

Unfortunately, you will need a lawyer in this case. A "Cease-and-Desist" demand should be able to stop them from harassing you (personally). As they know they have no ground for collection, they will stop with a threat to sue.

2. LTD Exiting

You are again wrong by resigning. As a director, you hold certain legal responsibilities. So when a LTD fails to do so, the directors will be liable.

Even you resign as a director, the failure was during your directorship, you will still be liable.

The correct way is kicking A completely out by terminating A's directorship and acquiring A's share in a nominal value ($1). Then making all necessary obligations and dissolving the LTD (absorption, liquidation, etc.)

I don't think A will argue on the price selling the share (as A can be sued for the misconduct).

3. Lawsuit

Without any detail, it is difficult to comment.

Default judgment is a win on procedure. Courts are preferred to resolve cases by merit. If you have compelling reasons showing A's failure as a director, with a competent lawyer, you may be able to vacate the default judgment against the company.

Once the judgment is vacated, you may be able to work out a deal with the client.
2015-03-24 9:58 pm
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誠心的推薦給你 !!
2015-03-23 2:40 am
在商業社會生活,卻沒有商業智慧和商業法律知識; 如同披上狼皮的羊,不堪一擊。

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