Conductor insulator

2015-03-21 2:42 am
有段有關conductor insulator既文章唔係好明, 求物理大神解答~
As you walk across a carpet, the rubbing of your shoes against the fibers causes charge to build up on you, and this charge remains on you because it can’t flow through the insulating fibers. If you then touch a conducting object such as a doorknob, a rapid charge transfer takes place between your finger and the doorknob, and you feel a shock.
(charge唔係在shoes咩?shoes係insulator, 回解會去左個人身上面?)
One way to prevent this is to wind some of the carpet fibers around conducting cores so that any charges that build up on you can be transferred harmlessly to the carpet.

回答 (2)

2015-03-23 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
You need to keep in mind two basic concepts of static electricity:
(a) In contrast to current electricity that deals with high current ( in order of Amperes) and low voltage (in order of several volts to hundred volts), electrostatics deals with small charges (in order of micro-columb or nano-coulomb) but high voltage (in order of kilovolts or even megavolts).

(b) Insulators and conductors are only relative. Objects with low electrical resistance are called conductors, whereas those with high resistance are called insulators. Even a good insulator does have a high but finite resistance. There is no perfect insulator (i.e. one with infinite resistance) or perfect conductor (one with zero resistance at room temperature). Because of the finite resistance of an insulator, minute current could flow through it under a very high voltage.

Q1: charge唔係在shoes咩?shoes係insulator, 回解會去左個人身上面?

A: As said above in (a), the accumulated charges produced by rubbing cause a very high voltage to build up. Such voltage drives minute charges to go from your shoes onto your body surface because of the finite resistance of your shoes and body.

But once your hand touches the metallic door nob, there builds up a strong electric field because the door nob is a good conductor and a high voltage developed between your body and the nob. This voltage (or field) draws suddenly charges from your body to the nob and hence you would feel a shock.


A: Similar to the above, the high voltage developed between your shoes and the conducting cores causes charges to go into the cores.

2015-03-21 4:29 am

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