
2015-03-20 6:33 am
A superstition is a false belief,in no way based on facts but growing out of fear,
"that" one event leads to or prevent another when the two are actually unrelated.

我想請問" " 為什麼可以填that呢
前面有逗號 不就不能用that了嗎
(A)what (B)which (C)that (D)whether

that one念起來是滿順的

對不起看不太懂可以講中文嗎 我很在意that 前面為什麼可以放逗號



回答 (3)

2015-03-20 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
這裡 that 前面可加逗號是因為 that 是連接詞,不是關係代名詞。你印象中 that 前面不能加逗號,是指 that 當關係代名詞在非限定用法時,語此處無關。

A superstition is a false belief, in no way based on facts but growing out of fear, that one event leads to or prevents another when the two are actually unrelated.

這裡 that 前面有逗號,是因為插入了 in no way based on facts but growing out of fear 的題外話。英語插入語前後用逗號標開,如果沒有這個插入語,就不會有這個逗號。將插入部分暫時不看,會剩下:

A superstition is a false belief that one event leads to or prevents another when the two are actually unrelated.

這是英語經常出現的句型, that 是連接詞,引導子句當 belief 的同位語。用白話說,這裡所謂 belief 就是 one event leads to or prevents another.....,所相信的就是「一件事會導致或防止另一件事發生,其實毫不相干」。one event.... 的子句本身就是這個 belief,稱為「同位語」,that 的功能只是連接這個子句而已,不像關係代名詞會取代先行詞,例如:

Let me tell you a story, that I read in a newspaper yesterday. (X)

Let me tell you a story, which I read in a newspaper yesterday. (O)

這裡補充說明是昨天讀到「的」故事,所以文法上是屬於形容詞子句的功能。 that 或 which 都是取代 story 當 read 的受詞,所以是「關係代名詞」。但是關係代名詞的非限定用法,只能在逗點之後用 which,不能用 that,所以兩句一對一錯。

2015-03-20 00:36:18 補充:
這裡 that 引導的是「名詞子句」。關係代名詞引導的是「形容詞子句」,兩者不同。

2015-03-20 13:15:00 補充:
Louis, 若如你所言,that 子句是形容詞子句,請問 that 是什麼詞?
2015-03-20 6:58 pm
但A superstition is a false belief, in no way based on facts but growing out of fear, "that" one event leads to or prevent another when the two are actually unrelated.
需要加上逗號,因為這是作者加入「插入語」為本句的a false belief 加註解,與句構無關:a false believe is not based on facts but growing out of fear.

2015-03-20 12:15:43 補充:
A superstition is a false belief that one event leads to or prevent another when the two are actually unrelated.如果這樣寫的話that子句是「形容詞子句」當作「限定性質的修飾語」,不可加逗號。因為a = any one,所以a false belief除了受到false的限定外,還需要再用一個修飾語加以限定。

2015-03-20 23:22:15 補充:
我看錯了,誤認that成leads to的受詞。對不起LionEnglish大師。
2015-03-20 6:52 am

that=conjunction=introduces an adverbial clause qualifying "a superstition is..
main clause="A superstition is..."
subordinate clause=adv.clause
="that 'one event leads to...
=(C) that

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