Guys urgent! I'm15 n have gassy stomach.I lose my appetite in eating meat recently,n always feel tired,nauseous.Could it be stomach cancer?

2015-03-18 11:36 pm

回答 (2)

2015-03-18 11:37 pm
Don't ask serious medical questions from a bunch of yahoos on Yahoo. Go to a doctor.
2016-03-12 11:25 am
You know, now that you mention it, yes. I've noticed that since being vegan, it's become worse. My mother was preparing a whole chicken the other day. She cut the plastic off of it and immediately I could smell the raw bird. I haven't been around raw chicken in such a long time, I would now say that it has a stench! Anywho, she turned the poor bird upside down and I saw some pinkish fluid run out of the neck hole...the floppy piece of skin was dangling in the breeze and I darn near lost my lunch. I literally ran out of the room. I totally lose my appetite when people are eating barbecue - especially ribs. Watching people tear the meat with their teeth...then sometimes it dangles off the bone. Then they lick their fingers free of BBQ sauce and grease. YUCK! It's SO unappetizing. I never say anything when I'm grossed out. I usually just excuse myself. If I can calm my stomach and nerves, then I'll return to the table. If not, I'm just finished eating. I'll throw some foil on my plate (or ask for a box if I'm at a restaurant) and eat later (like at home).

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