How do I get my divorce papers served to the army?

2015-03-18 11:29 pm
My husband is in the army. And he is in training right now in a different state. We have been separated for a while. I got pregnant and moved back home while he was in training and he ended up having an affair with a woman moving in with her and everything. So I'm trying to get the summons served to the army. How do I do that?

回答 (5)

2015-03-19 12:47 am
Why would you think that the Army gets served any sort of papers that have anything to do with personal issues between a troop and his spouse?

You serve your husband the papers. You are not divorcing the Army.

You might want to go back and have a chat with your lawyer about all this.
2015-03-19 2:59 pm
RED Cross will be able to find him.
2015-03-19 12:44 am
you dont. you serve HIM. not the Army.
2015-03-19 12:40 am
You serve your spouse, not "the Army." Divorce is a civil procedure. Doesn't your lawyer know that?
2015-03-18 11:40 pm
You don't. If you want a divorce you serve the paperwork to him or his lawyer. The only thing the Army will care about is getting a copy of his divorce decree so they can remove you from DEERS.

Depending on where he is training he can still get mail. If he's on Fort Irwin or Fort Polk they can receive mail and if you can't wait until he gets back you can get with the unit FRG for the address.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:25:41
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