Is it possible for a person to not belong to a religion?

2015-03-18 9:39 pm

Some person on here has been trying to paint atheism as a religion. So the question popped into my mind, if atheism is a religion as this guy makes it out to be then how can a person not belong to a religion? Atheists do not follow any religion but there are some theists who insist that they do. By that standard how does a person completely opt out of religion?

回答 (17)

2015-03-18 9:43 pm
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Yes. You don't have to be an atheist not to belong to a religion. Some people believe in God(s) but simply disbelieve in what religion says about them.
2015-03-18 9:42 pm
Atheism is not a religion. Anyone who claims it is is either ignorant or desperate.
2015-03-18 9:43 pm
No...atheism is a religion people join to appear smarter
2015-03-18 9:43 pm
Theists call atheism a religion because they are so dependent on religion that the idea someone can function without it is unfathomable to them.
2015-03-18 9:46 pm
Yeah. It's called atheism.
2015-03-18 9:44 pm
No. The second oldest religion is "me, me, me-ism." Self worship. I. me, my and mine.

Phl 3:19 Their end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things

Rom 1:25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
2015-03-18 9:44 pm
yes......atheists and agnostic are but two such groups.
2015-03-18 9:43 pm
Yes, it is possible, and this possibility has already been accomplished.

2015-03-18 9:41 pm
Of course. You can be an atheist or theist and still be irreligious.
2015-03-18 9:41 pm
You're kidding, right?
2015-03-18 11:24 pm
Yep. *Raises hand*.
2015-03-18 10:47 pm
Um, yeah.
2015-03-18 9:58 pm
Yes. Many people I know are atheist or agnostic, you don't have to have religion in your life.
2015-03-18 9:44 pm
Happens all the time -- There is no where in the New Testament that say -- we "have to belong to" a religion -- All we have to do is believe in what Jesus taught while He was here -- And there are churches that teach this -- So now what one to belong to is your choice
2015-03-18 9:40 pm
Free Will allows this.
2015-03-18 9:40 pm
2015-03-18 9:40 pm
Yes. Crazy idea, I know!

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