What s the show where a baby goes through an x-ray machine? From early to mid 2000's in the US,?

2015-03-18 8:28 pm
I remember this show very very vaguely from when I was younger, I want to say that the show aired in the early to mid 2000 s. The only thing that I really remember is that a small child goes through an x-ray machine, like what you would find at airport security. I want to say that this was in the show s intro. Considering the fact that i don t remember much about it and can t find it with a quick online search, I am fairly confident in saying that the show was not extremely successful.

Sorry that I don t have much to go off of.

回答 (1)

2015-03-18 8:59 pm
Are you sure you're not thinking of the Simpsons, where Maggie goes through a scanner at the supermarket?

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