
2015-03-18 3:35 pm

The website gave me individual attention during the laptop selection task.


回答 (7)

2015-03-18 5:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My understanding:

The website gave me individual attention (that I needed) during the laptop selection task.

在購買筆記電腦作選擇比較時, 這網站提供了(我所需)關注的事項.

2015-03-18 10:08:24 補充:

在購買筆記電腦作選擇比較時, 這網站提供了(我所需)關注的每樣事項.

2015-03-19 10:26:43 補充:
「The website gave me individual attention during the laptop selection task.」

一個句子英譯中, 竟引來一眾高手提出不同看法......

樓主如能有此句子之上文下理, 請補充貼文, 大家比較容易揣測筆者之原意。

2015-03-20 11:59:21 補充:
「獄中龍」果然有料到 ^-^
2015-03-19 2:35 pm
我個人偏向 「選筆電時 網站提供本人個別應注意的事項」

2015-03-19 06:38:59 補充:
這題我的看法比較接近 mancheung323

2015-03-19 22:42:55 補充:
這會不會根本就是寫的人就有問題 所以才讓大家摸不著腦袋 @@

2015-03-19 22:48:31 補充:

2015-03-19 22:50:43 補充:
好啦 好啦 我改投囚犯
2015-03-18 8:47 pm
我的看法比較接近 mancheung323。 individual attention 是指在眾多人之中,個人受到關照,沒有被忽視。

這裡有 task 一詞,顯然這個選購不是普通的採購,而是帶有測試該購物網站服務效能的性質,所以整句應該是測試結果的分析指標之一,問測試人是否覺得該網站不因服務對象眾多而忽視了個人需求。


2015-03-18 12:48:37 補充:
DSG, long time no see. How are you?

2015-03-18 12:54:20 補充:
我想專人服務也可達成 individual attention,因為它更進一步提供了 personal service。 但這裡應該是包含所有網站設計,測試是否能達到兼顧個別需求。
2015-03-18 8:03 pm
句子英翻中The website gave me individual attention during the laptop selection task.在選購筆記型電腦上,這個網站提供我個人(該)注意(的)事項。(僅此而已 沒有過多的含義在其中)

2015-03-18 12:05:39 補充:
individual attention當然也有可能是「專人在旁解說的服務」
但原文意思非常單純 沒什麼深意在其中
2015-03-18 7:02 pm
我贊同prisoner26535 的意見



2015-03-18 6:38 pm
"individual attention" is not just for buying computer. AT&T, online banking, ... and so on, all have real persons who can chat with you to help you buy their products along the way.

2015-03-18 11:04:24 補充:
We can only so much! If people cannot get the right idea, then we cannot do anything about it.

2015-03-18 13:29:40 補充:
Master LionEnglish! Thank you for your greeting! I am just fine.

2015-03-18 13:37:59 補充:
This single sentence really cannot give a precise understanding of its meaning. Master AP and LionEnglish's sayings are ALL possible.

2015-03-18 13:40:06 補充:
Service can be provided through a series of questionnaire to guide users (or customers) to the right product, or a real person who can chat with users to have the personal interaction.

2015-03-18 13:47:58 補充:
Incidentally, master LionEnglish brought up an important issue about using words:

individual, personal

I would like to add


To my understanding, these words might mean similarly, they do have the difference.

2015-03-19 09:03:22 補充:
in my opinion, 個別應注意的事項 would be translated as:

Stuffs that need to pay attention individually

Any objection, master AP ?
2015-03-18 5:25 pm
怎麼差醬多?individual attention 是每天都在用的詞啊!

2015-03-18 10:56:50 補充:
謝謝救命瓜! 但是不知道,有沒有用.那一題"mulitple negation" 妳大瓜的加持 也是無用啊.白目 版大 竟然 還是選擇了 胡說八道的花語耶!

2015-03-18 12:20:11 補充:
怎麼差醬多?individual attention 是每天都在用的詞啊!



2015-03-18 13:48:20 補充:
Ok, let me put it this way.

When someone tells you that she received "individual attention" from a store or a seller, does it usually mean that all her needs were met in the store? Or does it mean that some dedicated "individual(s)" in the store provided her good services?

2015-03-18 13:50:02 補充:
I would say the latter is more likely.

2015-03-18 13:52:25 補充:
But anyway - I am all clam as long as 003 is proved to be wrong.

2015-03-19 08:28:13 補充:
> 個別應注意的事項

this cannot be right either.

2015-03-19 10:54:12 補充:


2015-03-20 07:10:49 補充:

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