
2015-03-17 9:55 pm
1. Let f(x)=5x^3+kx^2+115x-25,where k is a constant. It is given that f(x)=(x+5)(ax^2+bx+c) where a,band c are constants.
a題我巳找到a=5,b=24 and c=-5
b. Someone claims that all the roots of the equation f(x)=0 are distinct. Do you agree? Explain your answer.(b題我唔知問我咩,所以唔知点做)
2. Let f(x)=x^2012-5k, where k is a constant. When f(x) is divided by x-1, the remainder is 11.我巳找到k=-2
b. Using the results of (a), find the remainder when 4^2012 is divided by 3.(哩條唔知点計)

回答 (2)

2015-03-22 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) [yanyan 學多一次解 (a) 的步驟如下。]
f(x) = 5x³ + kx² + 115x - 25 ≡ (x + 5)(ax² + bx + c)
Comparing coefficient of x³ gives a = 5.
Comparing constance term gives 5c = -25 or c = -5.
Comparing coefficient of x gives c + 5b = 115 or b = 24.
Put x = -5, -625 + 25k - 575 - 25 = 0, k = 49.

Consider f(x) = 0
(x + 5)(ax² + bx + c) = 0
(x + 5)(5x² + 24x - 5) = 0
(x + 5)(5x - 1)(x + 5) = 0
x = 1/5 or x = -5 (repeated)
Therefore, not all the roots of f(x) = 0 are distinct.
(This is because the three roots are 1/5, -5, -5.)
The claim is not agreed.

f(x) = x²⁰¹² - 5k
f(1) = 1 - 5k = 11
5k = -10
k = -2

The meaning of (a) is that for any integer x,
"When f(x) is divided by (x - 1), the remainder is 11."
that is,
"When x²⁰¹² + 10 is divided by (x - 1), the remainder is 11."

Therefore, put x = 4 in the above statement, that becomes
"When 4²⁰¹² + 10 is divided by (4 - 1), the remainder is 11."

That means, when 4²⁰¹² + 10 is divided by 3, the remainder is 11.
You can consider
4²⁰¹² + 10 = 3K + 11 where K is an integer.
4²⁰¹² = 3K + 1.

That means, when 4²⁰¹² is divided by 3, the remainder is 1.

2015-03-22 23:07:59 補充:
"Therefore, not all the roots of f(x) = 0 are distinct."


「因此,不是 f(x) = 0 的所有根都相異」

2015-03-22 23:09:31 補充:
當 x²⁰¹² + 10 除以 (x - 1), 餘數是 11.

那麼代 x = 4,即是

當 4²⁰¹² + 10 除以 3, 餘數是 11.

可以寫成 4²⁰¹² + 10 = 3K + 11 其中 K 是整數

即是 4²⁰¹² = 3K + 1

換句話,即是 當 4²⁰¹² 除以 3, 餘數是 1.

2015-03-22 23:09:55 補充:
7 ÷ 3 = 2 ... 1


7 = 3 × 2 + 1
2015-03-23 5:58 am
Therefore, not all the roots of f(x) = 0 are distinct.哩句中文係咩意思

2015-03-22 22:08:25 補充:
You can consider
4²⁰¹² + 10 = 3K + 11 where K is an integer.
4²⁰¹² = 3K + 1.

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