My ipad won't turn on.?

2015-03-16 2:22 pm
So three months ago my 8 year old sister accidentaly threw my ipad in the ground and it shut down.Ever since we stil haven't took it to fix,and today I wanted to do that.I was stuck 3 hours watching youtube videos where it said hold 3 seconds,10 whatever.It didn't turn on.So,it also said plug to your computer(i only have a laptop).yeah I didn't plug it to my computer but anyway.Any suggestions????PLEASE HELP.

回答 (3)

2015-03-16 4:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly put it on charge for several hours.

If the battery has gone flat since it was last used, it will not do anything until it has a reasonable amount of power in it.

Then, press and hold both the home and power buttons.

After around 10 - 15 seconds, it should hopefully show the Apple logo on screen. Let go the buttons and see if it boots up normally.

If you can't get it to work, it most likely has some internal damage.
2015-03-16 3:44 pm
Take it to the dealer to repair.
2015-03-16 2:25 pm
Laptop = computer, PC = computer, Mac = computer. So just take a USB cable and plug in?

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:30:13
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