UK or HK for uni?smallbang pls

2015-03-16 1:02 pm
I am struggling on choosing university courses...

I have offers from all 5 choices in UCAS and one from cuhk. They are completely different courses. For the UK ones, leeds, nottingham and surrey are related to food science and nutrition. However, my AS chem result was C only so I decided not to carrying on with Science. But the other two choices are 'food marketing and nutrition' from newcastle and ' food marketing and business economics' from reading. I haven't study business related subject before, would it be too risky for me to study? On the other hand, I am afraid I cannot cope with the difficulties in Biology and chemistry.

For the cuhk one, it's a bba hotel and tourism management. Assuming parents can afford the money needed, the grades required can be met and I am interested in both areas, which way should I choose? I have been studying in the UK since GCSE but the life in here ( campus and friendship with other locals) are not as expected.. Please give me some advice. I have to admit that I am unsure about what to do in the future but I just want to go for a degree which seems to have a better employability. I am also thinking about working in the UK after graduated as well, if I study in here and the placement year goes well.. I know it's hard to predict what the employability trend would be in the future.. but I just want to gather another piece of advice.

Thank you very much for listening and I hope to hear from you soon because the deadline for submitting the deposit ( non refundable) and accepting the offers are a few days later.

回答 (1)

2015-03-16 3:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) I haven't study business related subject before, would it be too risky for me to study?

>> 如果係business 既話, 應該就唔會既, 因為好多中學都係冇business 讀, 學生上到大學先會pick up 番business 既野, 而第一個好多都係catch up 番一d business related 既concepts, 所以唔會話好難catch up.

2) On the other hand, I am afraid I cannot cope with the difficulties in Biology and chemistry.

>> 其實所有同nutrition 有關既科都係有bio 同chem 既, 而你上面果3間入面呢, nottingham 既nutrition 伙最有名既, 所以如果可以既話, 都會係一個唔錯既選擇. 其實都要問一問番你自己既, 因為如果你係對nutrition係冇興趣, 咁點解你ucas 果5科都係揀同呢一科有關既野呢? 如果係鍾意的話, 就可能要係chem 上`面下少少苦功了.

2) Assuming parents can afford the money needed, the grades required can be met and I am interested in both areas, which way should I choose?

>> 其實唔係好明個開始, 你係assume 你屋企供得到同時亦assume 你meet 到個requirement 亦對呢個有興趣嗎? 個人覺得唔可以咁樣樣assume 既, 因為point 1 你屋企如果係預左你係係英國讀大學既話, 應該都係可以供到你係hk 讀書既, 而point 3就有少少那個, 因為你唔可以assume 你對邊一科有興趣既(因為要讀3年架....) 所以個人會覺得睇你係想番係英國定係hk 先, 揀左呢個, 其實野, 就會易諗好多. 係英國有係英國讀既好, 因為出黎可以試下搵野做(我唔會100% 保證你係英國一定會搵到野做, 因為要睇下你讀既成績, 拎既係咩passport etc) 如果番左hk 讀既話, 下次你再番黎英國, either 會係以旅客既身份就又或晁係working holiday了.

>> 而係hk 亦有hk 既, 因為可以成日同到屋企人一齊, 而身邊既人都會係hk人, 唔駛再有話cultural 既問題等等. 但唔好就唔好在你要適應番個生活同埋出黎做野如果你既成績係一般可能都會難搵工, 因為你冇左係海外讀完大學番黎既果種優勢...

overall 黎講, 冇人可能保証到將來係點, 你如果做左一個決定, 就唔好俾自己後悔 (ie 番左hk 就成日話--> 唉, 如果果時留係英國就好啦....), 幾年前既我, 同樣地亦面對過同一個問題, hku 俾左一個好出名既deg offer 我, 而係英國亦有一間好好既大學俾左一個science 既學位offer 俾我, 最後我都係揀左英國, 我覺得係英國既生活先係我想要既(我自己都係gcse 就已經過左黎). 當然啦, 身邊亦有好多朋友係番左hk 讀大學, 到左master 想番黎英國讀先番黎, 所以要好好咁諗下你有既option 同埋你想要既係咩生活, 因為我相信你都已經知道, 2個地方既生活係好唔同既.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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