請問應accept which offer?

2015-03-16 7:53 am
我有個master degree (非3大), 有8年工作經驗, 大部份是與成人文娛課程相關, 如果日後想去大學or college 做EO, 負責academic programme 相關工作 (E.g. EO in Arts Faculty), 咁以下邊個offer對此有幫助?

1. Senior Officer
- 職責:主要負責某些專業試的行政安排, 例如: 主考人員, 監考員,考生投訴;同時,要管理clerical 同事
- 待遇:接近19K, medical, 13-month salary

2. Education Officer
- 職責:主要在NGO負責僱員再培訓局課程的行政安排, 例如: 導師, 物資, 日常宣傳。
- 待遇:接近17K, medical, bonus

我本人對Education Officer 的offer 較有興趣, 因course coordination 較 exam administration 有趣, 但後者係senior post,對將來晉升會有幫助, 所以唔知點好…..

Hi Gary, would you mind elaborating a bit? Many thanks!

回答 (2)

2015-03-16 2:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Senior Officer is a better choice.

See this first:


The advantage of the position of Senior Officer is certain responsibilities are stressed by time. In that case, it will better fit school environment.

2015-03-26 05:32:36 補充:
No problem.

The reason is quite simple - the name "Education Officer" is misleading. In fact, your work is a senior administrative assistive.

However, the position of Senior Officer is a supervisory position, as well as a senior administrative assistive.

2015-03-26 05:33:28 補充:
You will benefit more from the position of Senior Officer than the Education Officer.
2015-03-18 1:57 am

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