Is it possible not to have very many symptoms early on in pregnancy?

2015-03-15 4:59 am
So I've been trying to conceive a baby now for a while and its been about 8 weeks and durning that time I was ovulating and we thought it might have finally worked. I missed my period and we were excited. We waited two weeks and I took 2 pregnancy test in the same day. They were the dollar ones from the dollar store and they both came back negative . we didn't think anything of it and moved on . well to this day I still haven't had a period, but I don't feel any different. I've looked online and have had some of the symptoms but not all. I haven't had morning sickness but a couple times , but I have had enlarged breast and sometimes they hurt but not often, on always tired and hungry and certain foods I used to love I can't even stand the smell of. So we are really confused on weather or not I'm pregnant. Has anyone else had this problem??

回答 (2)

2015-03-15 5:41 am
the earliest of the symptoms are very similar to pre period symptoms, can be hard to tell the difference, the next would be morning sickness.. if you get it, I didn't with my first, but did this time around.

if you used the dollar store tests after your period was already late, they could be accurate, but some can't get a positive on home tests, no matter the brand, and will need a blood test to find out.
2015-03-15 5:02 am
the pregnancy tests are pretty accurate. if you waited 2 weeks after your first missed period and BOTH tests were negative, odds are that you aren't pregnant.

but yes, it's possible not to have many symptoms for the first 2 months. except for implantation pain that didn't last very long, i had very few symptoms.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:39:09
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