How do I keep myself from pushing sperm out?

2015-03-15 4:43 am
It seems like after every time my fiancé and I try to conceive a baby, five minutes later I accidentally push his sperm out either by coughing or laughing. I'm worried that its not staying in long enough and I won't be able to get pregnant. Is there a way to prevent myself from pushing it out or is it always gonna happen?

回答 (12)

2015-04-01 10:12 pm
all that needs to go up there does so in seconds so dont worry if 'extra' comes out.
2015-03-15 11:43 am
It always comes out. It is supposed to.

Semen is basically two things: sperm cells and seminal fluid. The sperm cells start swimming up your cervix immediately after ejaculation. The seminal fluid only has one way to go: down and out.
2015-03-16 2:53 am
You can never actually push all of the sperm out but if you are really worried about it studies show that if you lay on your back with your hips slightly elevated (on a pillow or two is good enough) With your legs pulled back in the field position ( or fetal which ever the term you're used too ) and avoid urinating until that time frame is up it increases your chances. Watch a tv show just lay there comfortable talking to your partner and the time will pass. However even if you jump up and down you can't knock out all the sperm. When a man ejaculates most of the sperm "shoots" out and hits against your cervix and makes its way to the seminal pool where it sits and waits for the right time. Just know for some women it's completely normal to be trying even close up to a year. While trying to conceive it's important to already be taking your chosen prenatal vitamin you can get these over the counter. The best I find for comfort reasons for myself is Natures choice Prenatal with DHA. It's not to hard on the stomach and doesn't cause me to get to sick. You want to have cut back if not completely eliminated caffeine from your diet including your mates. If you do smoke now would be a good time to stop and always remember to just enjoy sex. Orgasms are not a requirement to get pregnant but they really do boost your chances so they say.
2016-03-11 1:11 pm
very common! happens to me all the time and I always wonder if any of the sperm even went up in me. but remember that there's millions of little swimmers so what came out was probably not even half of what went in!!
2015-03-21 3:10 pm
I've not tried this myself but some women do and have got pregnant... You know those cups for periods I can't remember the name... but women have been using them and leaving them in for 8-12 hours as this way the sperm only has one way to go and that is up! also when he is trusting and about to *** make him put it in a far as he can the sex move 'scissors' is the best to get it in deep :P after he is still inside let him stay in for for 30 seconds or more if possible... then place your two fingers to make the 'peice' sign and hold yourself down there while he pulls out so you're keeping it in more... then after that get hubby to pass you the cup and then place it inside of yourself. also remember to enjoy sex don't make it a calander date go away somewhere romantic or just a hotel weekend enjoy and relax! you'll more likely to get pregnant if you don't think about it all the time i know this is hard but it's the best way possible. good luck!!
2015-03-15 4:52 pm
Keep your legs together
2015-03-15 5:24 am
What goes past the cervix stays past the cervix. What doesn't will come out, because that's how gravity works.
2015-03-15 5:06 am
By STOP Trying so Hard & worry about it. Because there's Always MORE than Enough- to "go around..." And Worrying- kills more Sperm- than anything Else. :(
2015-03-15 5:00 am
if you haven't been trying that long, i wouldn't worry about it. you're not getting rid of all of it, and there are literally millions of sperm even in a very tiny amount.

if you have been trying a while, stay laying down for about an hour and put a pillow under you butt.
2015-03-15 6:26 am
OK, let me ask you this... is she actually your fiancee? (It has two e's when it's a woman -- just FYI)? So, if you're actually going to marry her, have you set a date? Because that's the thing you should worry about -- actually sealing the deal and getting married. Until then, don't worry about what you do with sperm.

About 90% of women get pregnant within one year of trying. As long as your sperm is going inside her, your swimmers will take care of the rest.

But really, get married first. "Fiancee" is not a fancy word for girlfriend.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 16:39:30
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