How much would it cost if the human eye was sold as a camera lens?

2015-03-14 3:53 pm
In this article, ( it basically says the human eye has an approximate focal length of 24mm and an f-stop of about f/3.2, and obviously it would be a prime lens. I m aware that many lenses offer better things than that, so how much would it cost as a lens?

回答 (4)

2015-03-14 6:37 pm
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Well, Pentax sold a 24mm f2.8 standard lens for its Auto 110 system (all lenses for the Auto 110 were f2.8, due to the way the camera was constructed) - Pentax only built SLRs at the time, so a 110 format SLR seemed an obvious step. It worked well as a standard lens for an excellent system that never really got a chance (110 film was already on the way out by the time it was introduced).

Unfortunately, a camera lens of similar performance to the human eye would be so awful that nobody would buy it. While a small central area produces an acceptable image, that area is tiny, and your field-of-view is actually processed through your brain with your memory filling the gaps (unless you're looking directly at an object, your memory shows you what you'd expect to see - that's why it takes a moment when you first walk into a strange place).
2015-03-14 9:52 pm
It wouldn't be worth as much as a drop of water from the ocean.
2015-03-14 5:21 pm
Trying to rate it for optical quality, it seems to provide very good center sharpness, and I see no chromatic aberration. Away from the center, sharpness falls off a LOT. I don't know how much to blame the limitations of the retina. No vignetting.
Of course our eye-brain connections may compensate for things differently from a camera. That is very obvious with things like dynamic range and white balance, but those are not lens issues.
2015-03-14 4:03 pm
You realize it is impossible to use a human eye as a camera lens ? With no blood flow, the eye would dry up in a short period of time. Nikon or Canon mount ?
Sorry , this question make zero sense.

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