
2015-03-15 4:11 am
我係上年七月辭任ABC 公司,我在該公司任職工程師,我現在還未搵到工,宜家我個朋友問我ABC 公司份工做成點,我同佢講"I have resigned from the position of
engineer. I am looking for a job." 想問問句子既時態有無錯。

回答 (4)

2015-03-16 11:49 am
The use of "have" or "had" (present perfect or past perfect) is not determined by how far away the action happened in the past from now.
2015-03-15 8:25 am
Present perfect denotes present results of past actions:-Note that the words "for" and "since' are used:-
eg:-I have resigned from engineer "for" 9 months. I have been (looking) for a job" since."....
Note that the words" just" and" already" can't be used to denote actions that are completed recently:-
eg:-I have just resigned--------No
eg:- I have already found a job-------No.
eg:-I have resigned from the position of engineer. I am looking for a job lee.....is not correct lee.
2015-03-15 4:53 am
呢度要決定用 have 定 had, 就要睇你既 "而家" 即係幾時.

如果 "而家" 係現實既 3月14日, 咁時間已經相差左半年, 就唔會用 have, 而會用 had, 因為已經過了半年.

而相反, 你剛剛尋日辭, 又或者辭左 1,2 個月, 都可以考慮用 have.

* 呢度, 你可能會問, 有冇一個標準, 比如 1個月內, 就用 have, 1個月之後, 就會 had, 先唔會令自己覺得好難決定, 但我可以答你, 係無既. 時態上, 好多時係比較性既, 比如, 一日之內你又辭職, 又去食野, 又比人罵, 然後又有份工, 咁時態上既相差, 可能短到幾個鐘, 甚至幾分鐘內既事.

** 所以, 真正要用到正確既時態, 都要由成段既文章去睇, 睇睇下, 你會決定到, 加油.
參考: 自己

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