usps 收件問題

2015-03-15 12:02 am
之前係ebay 買野, 賣家2月19日用USPS 的 Priority Mail International Parcels寄. 上網睇返tracking, 個status 由始至終都係得一個Shipping Label Created. 我想問其實賣家係咩未寄件? 另外因為我的tracking no 係CF 開頭, 想問下係唔係件郵件出左美國就 track 唔到? 香港郵局又check 唔check 到? Thanks.

回答 (4)

2015-03-15 3:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. In most of the case, yes.

a. The current USPS record indicates this is a shipping label generated online. So it should have a tracking number (for domestic purpose).

b. It takes multiple stops for USPS to ship a package. As all stops require a scan on the barcode, it is extremely rare that a package is on its way to Hong Kong without any scans.

2. Yes.

3. No, unless it is sent as Priority Mail Express (EMS).

2015-12-06 5:08 am
日本 美國 香港 中國 全世界代標 代購 代買




LINE: lawrance0508

2015-03-15 12:59 am
要打長途電話, 上網又要美國local 先check 到.....
2015-03-15 12:30 am
網上未必係最 update 既, 你試下打比 USPS 問佢地.

同埋問佢地正常情況所需要幾多時間, 如果好耐未更新, 通常係有問題.

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