
2015-03-14 8:20 am
could you change my seat to window side?? 在機上跟空姐怎講?



如果捌開你說的錯誤,"could you change my seat to window side"這句的文法是正確的嗎??


另外你說的 Do you mind (that) we exchange seats so that I can sit with my grandma? 其中的so that 可以為because嗎??


不好意思請問大師 could you change my seat to a window seat這樣 ok嗎?? 另外because I can sit with my g-pa"? 為什麼不行??

回答 (5)

2015-03-14 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
could you change my seat to window side?? 在機上跟空姐怎講?


1. 機艙座位的指定 是 "gate agent"的職責 不是空姐的職責
2. 上機以後,妳要怎換 只要雙方高興,空姐不會管妳要換到哪裡去的!

回到 英語的說法:

向gate agent的說詞:
Could you get me a window seat?
Could you change me to a window seat?
Could you change my seat assignment to a window seat?

Do you mind (that) we exchange seats so that I can sit with my grandma?

My grandpa needs to have a window seat for a long flight like this. Would you mind exchanging seats with him?

2015-03-14 01:10:32 補充:
但是,一般來說,經濟艙最多,商務次,頭等艙的人最臭屁.連換個位子 都不簡單.

2015-03-14 01:43:48 補充:
> 如果捌開你說的錯誤,"could you change my seat to window side"這句的文法是正確的嗎??

文法正確 但是 "window side" 太過台式英語.

> 其中的so that 可以為because嗎??

"because I can sit with my g-pa"? (X)
"because I want to sit with my g-pa"(O)不過是太強勢(鴨霸)了吧!

2015-03-14 05:37:51 補充:
No problemo, willing to take on a free ride anytime.
2015-03-16 2:33 am
can i change to window seat?
2015-03-15 8:45 pm
你一定要在上飛機之前就決定好坐哪裡. 上飛機以後再找空姐幫你換的機率很小....除非有空位.

很多時候在買機票時就要定好坐位. 買好機票後有些航空公司也開放自己可以網上劃位. 不然也可以打電話到客服請他們幫你劃. 飛機起飛前24小時可以上網check in. 那時也可以改坐位...就是不能在上飛機之後要求改. 很難改的. 除非你是要跟家人坐一起. 用靠窗換靠窗.
2015-03-14 4:38 pm

Not an aisle seat (for me)
but window seat
to exchange your seat for nearer my grandma----> grandpa ?

Would you like my aisle in exchang for this seat that I can sit with my grandma ???

No because but this seat.
2015-03-14 10:51 am
I don't know I need to take AP or 賣來亂 to ride an airplane, because one is polite (may not get what I want), and the other is a "mighty duck" (鴨霸) (may get beaten up)?

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