Opinions on St Anger (album)?

2015-03-12 2:35 pm
I used to dislike St anger, I thought it was pretty crap. That was mainly because everyone else said it was bad so I just assumed it was as well, and I also because I didn't listen to all of them properly. But a few weeks ago I started listening to them and I really enjoyed Frantic, St anger, All within my hands, the unnamed feeling and some kind of monster. And although they were long, they were so full of energy and anger, it felt great to listen to up loud. And while it was a very different album to their others, i dont think it was any worse. I personally liked the drums as they added such a raw sound to the songs. I dont understand why people find it such a bad album, just because it wasn't Metallica's best doesn't mean it is a terrible album, I think its very underrated. So, what are your thoughts? Why do you like/hate it?

Wow, I still really like the album.

回答 (5)

2015-03-12 3:19 pm
I take it you're fairly young. If you'd been older when they were releasing albums like Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning, then you'd understand why St. Anger sucks so hard. They changed their style pretty drastically after the Black Album (and even the Black Album was a pretty big departure from what they'd been doing before).

Most of the people I know who like thrash metal, like early Metallica, don't like alternative rock. And that's what Metallica became when they started putting out albums like Load and St. Anger -- an alternative rock band. So, unless that's your thing (which, for most metalheads, it isn't), you're not going to like new-era Metallica.
2015-03-12 2:56 pm
St. Anger is truly a complete failure of an album, in my opinion. St. Anger deserves all of the hatred that it gets; it's honestly one of the worst albums that I've ever heard. I hate to be cliche by saying this, but St. Anger is an atrocity; Metallica shot themselves in the foot by making that album.
2015-03-12 8:52 pm
Ignore all of these clowns saying it's about age and whatnot. That's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that you've heard their 80s work (and so have I). I think most of us can agree that it's their best. But I still don't think St. Anger is a bad record...At all. It's actually a pretty good punk-influenced album. The only ones who hate it are metal elitists that can't listen to one song without some pretentious guitar solo. The only thing I would say is bad about it is the cheesy lyrics. But Metallica has always had cheesy lyrics, even in their 80s work. But one thing is for sure, St. Anger is definitely my favorite Metallica album since ...And Justice For All. Black Album/Load/Reload was generic as hell and Death Magnetic was for all the crybabies that wanted Metallica to regress back to their old sound. (A sound which they've grown out of for over 20 years, btw) I'd much rather see Metallica doing something new like St. Anger or Lulu than see them trying to replicate their glory days.
2015-03-12 6:27 pm
To me its not worth listening to but not because I want to bash it. I just dont like it. I listen to early Metallica and that is about it, to me after the Black Album it was over. I am a drummer so I love old school Metallica because I like to practice with them. It helps me hone my skills. Bashing Metallica is not my cup of tea they have their place in music for a reason. They got where they are because they are good, if people want to bash them its on them. But they have sold millions of copies of their albums, they have been on some of the best tours of all time. They are worth a crap load of money and they are in the Hall of Fame. Even though that might not be a good indicator of whether or not they are good. So Metallica probably does not give a eff what people think about them.
2015-03-12 4:03 pm
The one Metallica album I can say I don't like at all. With the exception of the title track, the album just sucked.

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