
2015-03-12 4:15 am
當我準備離開Apple 百貨公司個陣,諗起頭先visit 間百貨公司,間公司好大,有不同種類既產品,咁當一離開百貨公司個陣講"I have visit Apple Department Store. It was big. There were different kinds of products in the department store." 想問問大家d句子既時態有無錯。

回答 (2)

2015-03-16 4:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
Present Perfect Tense (動詞形態): have / has + 動詞的過去分詞
(A) Some examples of present perfect tense:
present > past > present perfect
Type (1)
help > helped > helped
pull > pulled > pulled
want > wanted > wanted
wash > washed > washed
work > worked > worked
Type (2)
buy > bought > bought
bring > brought > brought
make > made > made
ride > rode > rode
think > thought > thought
shoot > shot > shot
fight > fought > fought
Type (3)
do > did > done
drink > drank > drunk
eat > ate > eaten
forget > forgot > forgotten
give > gave > given
hide > hid > hidden
see > saw > seen
sing > sang > sung
steal > stole > stolen
take > took > taken
write > wrote > written
Type (4)
hit >hit > hit
cut > cut > cut
(B) We use the Present Perfect to talk about:
(1) Experience
e.g. I have seen this dog before.
e.g. He has lived in Mongkok.
(2) Change
e.g. John has broken his leg.
e.g. The police have arrested the robber.

(3) Continuing situation --- a state that started in the past and continues in the present and probably the future.
e.g. I have worked here since June.
e.g. He has known George for five years?

2015-03-15 20:28:47 補充:
更正:最後一句應是 e.g. He has known George for five years.
(a) 你的 passage 是正確的,除了那 present perfect tense、 " have visit " 應該為 "have visited "
(b) present perfect tense 實不容易、(i) 有regular 的 ---即 present tense +「 ed」,參考 A(1)
有 irregular 的---參考 (A)( 2)-(4)。要靠背、靠多用!
(c) present perfect tense 有不同的用途 --- 請參考 (B)
2015-03-12 7:21 am
有, have 後係 visited, 其他 ok

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