My friends told me I am slutty for wearing 5 inch heels to school... but I like em and can wear em??? Jealousy?

2015-03-11 3:45 am

回答 (11)

2015-03-11 12:00 pm
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Here's the best QUOTE FOR TODAY:

where a 4-year-old named Miss CiCi talked about what happened after a boy in her pre-kindergarten class told her that she looked ugly.

CiCi didn’t cry. CiCi didn’t get mad. CiCi just told him what’s what: "I didn't come here to make fashion statement. I came here to learn, not look pretty."

When I was attending school, HS that is . . . we wore heels 2" - 3" and PANTY HOSE or tights, some wore knee socks to school. Some wore fishnets and nylons, because they were stylish, in the 60's, 70's, & 80's. We wore mini skirts, I use the length of my arms, to the length of my skirts or dresses. 95% of us wore them. This is now 2015, where any length skirts, or shoes are pretty normal stuff, but 90% of the kids attending schools, looked like they just got out of bed!

To each her or his own. Just be yourself! Be comfortable in what you are, no matter how you want to look.

Don't get pressured by peers.
參考: This is 2015, but I still dressed like when I was in HS. And people compliments me, because I ALWAYS LOOK NICE!
2015-03-11 4:05 am
I don't think so. I went to a catholic high school so we had a uniform, but on the very last dress down day of my high school career I wore the 5 inch platform pumps just because I could. It doesn't make me attention seeking, I simply had a pair of shoes that I paid a lot of money for and had yet to wear. There were a few girls I went to school with that wore heals every day. It's a personal preference and as long as you're happy it doesn't matter. Now I'm in uni I wear mostly wedges b/c pumps aren't ideal when you're walking all day, but I have lots heels and I'll wear them wherever and whenever I want. If that makes us slutty or attention seeking then so be it. At least I'll be fabulous and happy, AND I'll still be able to focus on school b/c who says we can't pretty and smart.

The shoes I wore:
2015-03-11 1:37 pm
i was compared to a prostitute once for wearing ankle boots with a 4.5" heel, a pair of jeans, and a red leather jacket. doesnt mean i stopped wearing those items
2015-03-11 3:50 am
omg I was thinking of wearing heals to school but im in college. and that would mean walking around all of campus in them with 50 pounds of books.
wear what you like
2015-03-11 3:46 am
i wouldn't consider it slutty...but it's definitely weird to wear high heels to school on a normal day o_O

and than it gets even weirder because you have a guy's avatar.
2015-03-13 8:04 am
Your friend is jealous and I wouldn't call it slutty there nothing wrong with you wearing what you like go for it
2015-03-12 12:39 am
your friend is wrong wear what you like heels are sexy
2015-03-11 6:01 am
Jealous friends? probably, don't stop wearing what you want because they don't like it! If you keep wearing your shoes (which you should if that's what you want) and suddenly they are not your friends anymore, you'll have your answer (jealous friends). If they spread their negative opinions around, they need to be confronted about it. Good luck! Keep your head high! Let them feel jealous, that's their problem, not yours!
2015-03-11 3:50 am
Because they know you do it for attention wear what makes you comfortable don't waste your life being a people pleaser
2015-03-12 2:58 am
IF you want to be taken seriously, tone it down.....the normal impression of a young woman hoofing it on 5" stilettos is hooker or stripper...IF that's your gig go with it....who cares what people think, right? but, don't be offended when that's what your rep is...
2015-03-11 3:53 am
You're not slutty for it just incredibly attention seeking. There is no reason to wear such high heels to school, you're going to learn not practice modeling so take them off and focus on school not the way you look.

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