有關in which的用法?

2015-03-11 5:00 am
例: I live in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a prosperous metropolis.
Hong Kong is a prosperous metropolis in which I live.

但想問以下句子為何會用in which?
1) The recent incident in which four women were driven to death or the verge of death from septic shock after accepting a treatment at a beauty centre is a case in point.

2) An automobile accident in which driver fails to stop and identify himself or herself.

3) He has four months in which to lodge an appeal.

The recent incident which four women were driven to death or the verge of death from septic shock after accepting a treatment at a beauty centre is a case in point.

回答 (3)

2015-03-11 10:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
(A) in which=where=adv and conj=in which place=in what place...

(1)(in which=)where 4 women were driven to death is (v) a case...

(2)(in which=)where the driver fails (v) and identifies (v).

(3)He has (v) 4 months (in which=)where.....

(A) The recent incident---subj
-----is a case------verb
-----where 4 women driven------participle adj.
-----where=adv and conj=in which

2015-03-11 09:20:06 補充:
Amendment:-Relative adverb:-(1)one particular incident showcases as a noun.(2)The auto.accident when(=in which) driver failed ....(3)The time when(=in which) he can lodge an appeal is 4 months.(5)The reason why (=for which) relative adverb put here is to know the way(=how) we rule.
2015-03-11 5:07 pm
先說題(1):The recent incident in which four women...
'which'係指'the recent incident', 而'in'係指隨後的字句是那事件的描述。'in which'就像中文'其中/當中/其間'的意思。
句子(1)可翻譯成: 最近發生的事件,當中四名婦女...
題(3):He has four months in which to lodge an appeal.

有時會將'in which'當'where'譯 (當然不可一慨而論,要視乎個別句子),因為在英文寫作技巧裡,有所謂的'figurative locations' (就如中文有擬人法,擬物法等),係將state/time/event etc. 比喻成一個位置('figurative locations': your 'situation' is the 'site' where you find yourself.)
參考: stackexchange.com
2015-03-11 5:12 am
in which 不可改成 which。

in which 有時候像是 where 的意思 (作為 relative pronoun)
in which 是指「在其中」

This is the school in which we met each other.
This is the school which was built in 2014.

在第一句的補充句,school 不是主體,只是說明一個地方。
但在第二句的補充句,school 就是主體。

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