
2015-03-10 6:03 am
Mary 宜家死左,佢曾經玩過足球,想問問大家我宜家講"Mary has played football." 有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-03-10 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
The past perfect;
When two actions happened in the past one after another, we use the past perfect tense for the first action.
eg:-Before she died, Mary had played football lee.

Or the simple past:-
Began and completed in the past without any connection with the present:-
eg:-adverbials of time must be added:-(Last year...)
eg:-(Last year) Mary played football before her death lee.

2015-03-12 09:53:56 補充:
Be logical of seeming natural,reasonable;it's not a logical thing to play football from the woman's point of view;"She "used to play football followed( of logic )by her death lee.in which fact based on your one sentence only without other true ideas above and below lee.Don't ask anymore lee.
2015-03-12 6:29 am
可以咁: She used to play football.
2015-03-10 6:10 am

考慮用 past tense 或 past perfect tense 吧。


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