The process vessel which is to be derouged may be used to prepare the CIP 200 solution at use-dilution. The system should include pumps capable of recirculating the CIP 200 solution through rouged piping under turbulent flow conditions(flow velocity of 5 ft/sec [1.5 m/sec] desirable) and have heating capability to raise the temperature up to 60°-80℃ (140° to 176℉). If the system does not have these capabilities, they should be provided externally through the use of an appropriate reservoir, centrifugal pump, and heat exchanger.
3. All nonstainless-steel materials of construction that may pose a compatibility problem with CIP 200 should be removed from the system.
8. The iron content in the solution and consequently the derouging process should be monitored using a portable colorimeter such as Hach DR/700(Hach Company, Loveland, CO). Refer to Technical Tip #3016 for the basic approach and Hach test kit for analytical method details. The method involves the use of 10-mL round sample cells and FerroVer Iron Reagent Powder Pillow that contain phenanthroline and appropriate buffers.
9. When the iron content in the solution does not appear to increase any longer with time (this would take approximately 3-4 hours for a typical mild rough), the process should be temporarily stopped and the concentration of the CIP 200 solution should be increased by about 5 percent. Proper safety precautions should be taken at this time; and if necessary, the vessel should be cooled to an appropriate temperature.