2150 Carburetor leak?

2015-03-08 5:55 pm
I recently rebuilt a 75 2150. There is fuel dumping out of a small port on the bottom of the bowl, in between the mixture screw and power valve. This port leads to the accelerator pump. I cannot find anything online about this issue. My assumption is that I have the float set to high, but like I said. Nothing online about this hole. The diaphragm is fine so please don t even go there. I m NOT talking about the hole on accelerator pump cover. This is underneath next to the vacuum port. HELP!

回答 (4)

2015-03-08 6:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Something's missing here. No carb has an unanswered, open port at the bottom of the bowl. Either there was a plug, or a fitting of some sort there. And is now gone.
2015-03-08 7:13 pm
Just another moron that thinks he can rebuild a carb but ends up destroying it.
"I'm just gonna stick a F'n sheet metal screw in it. lol"

lol? hilarious...
2015-03-08 6:01 pm
Is this a Holley? A Rochester? A Carter? A Weber? Yes, your float may be set too high but if you have raw gas spewing out of anywhere, there has to be a breach in a gasket or something - like the accelerator pump diaphragm.

It's time to pull it apart and have a good look at everything. Did you get a gauge to set the float level in the rebuild kit? You should have.
2015-03-09 3:06 am
Replace the float. It doesn't float anymore.

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