to turn lemon to lemonade 英文點解

2015-03-09 1:57 am
to turn lemon to lemonade

回答 (6)

2015-03-16 8:16 am

Lemon=hardship in life;acid fruit tree bearing it;
Lemonade=juice to enjoy;a sweet drink from lemon juice
"to turn" verb; means move round; change;reverse;become,etc.
eg:-In the act of turning,Mr.Turing turns over the total sales of computer made by business possible.
Hence; if life gives you acid bearing lemon, you try turn it into sweet lemonade drink from lemon juice.
2015-03-11 6:44 pm
係指從酸苦中,轉成甜蜜 - 逆轉乾坤
eg, Nick Vujicic - A young man who was born without limbs. Nick was given lemons and ended up “making lemonade” out of them. He started his own nonprofit organization “Life Without Limbs” and is now a motivational speaker to let others know that they are not alone in their struggles and there is meaning and hope for their life no matter what they may be facing.
2015-03-09 7:38 pm
To turn lemon to lemonade.

Lemon = hardships, diffculties, troubles, (in life)
Lemonade = something that they like/enjoy

This sentense actually means if life gives you lemon(shits), u turn it into lemonade and enjoy it.

逆來順受 can roughly describe it.

總之就係你有唔開心,大壓力, 煩惱的事, 試下轉為正能量. 為你帶來動力, 能力, 理由去完成某D事.

正常可以係生活上, 工作上, 番學上都可以用到.
-你阿媽逼你煮飯, 之後有人同你講 turn lemon to lemonade. 你可以煮一餐正野, 唔單止你阿媽開心, 你自己都食得開心又有成就感.
-你老細俾好多野你做, 之後有人同你講 turn lemon to lemonade, 全部做好他, 要你老細大開眼界. 可能總會+你人工or promotion.

參考: 自己
2015-03-09 3:04 am
to turn lemon to lemonade
2015-03-09 2:02 am

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