今年1月 下載了一個台灣國立交響樂團的譜(pdf.)然後谷歌瀏覽器顯示下載這個會對電腦造成損害什麼的 想說是那麼厲害的樂團應該不會怎樣 就下載了 結果電腦就開始跑很慢 因為不常開電腦 所以一直到2月快底才受不了去下載防毒軟體(小紅傘)可是到現在電腦還是跑很慢 昨天把手機裡的照片丟進電腦的時候還出現這種東西:
What happened to your files ?
All of your files were protected by a strong encryption with RSA-2048 using CryptoWall 3.0.
More information about the encryption keys using RSA-2048 can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem)
What does this mean ?
This means that the structure and data within your files have been irrevocably changed, you will not be able to work with them, read them or see them,
it is the same thing as losing them forever, but with our help, you can restore them.
How did this happen ?
Especially for you, on our server was generated the secret key pair RSA-2048 - public and private.
All your files were encrypted with the public key, which has been transferred to your computer via the Internet.
Decrypting of your files is only possible with the help of the private key and decrypt program, which is on our secret server.
What do I do ?
Alas, if you do not take the necessary measures for the specified time then the conditions for obtaining the private key will be changed.
If you really value your data, then we suggest you do not waste valuable time searching for other solutions because they do not exist.
For more specific instructions, please visit your personal home page, there are a few different addresses pointing to your page below:
If for some reasons the addresses are not available, follow these steps:
1.Download and install tor-browser: http://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en
2.After a successful installation, run the browser and wait for initialization.
3.Type in the address bar: paytoc
所以說 我該怎麼辦啊..有沒有重灌以外的方法..