imaging findings:
there is no meniscal tear. there is no peripheral meniscal extrusion or a parameniscal cyst.
ligaments and tendons
there is a high grade, possibly complete tear of the PLC in the mid substance (film2). the PLC itself appears thickened and demonstrates increased fluid signal suggesting a sprain with / without mucoid degeneration (film 4).
the PLC is intact with no evidence of a sprain or mucoid degeneration. the collateral ligaments are intact with no evidence of a sprain.
the biceps femoris tendon and the ilio-tibial tract are unremarkable. the patellar tendon and the patellar retinaculi are intact.
cartilage and bones
there is a 6mm wide x10mm long area of cartilage signal chance involving the medial facet of the trochlea (film 12). this is associated with a combination of partial and full thickness cartilage loss, subchondral bony eburnation and cyst formation (film2 ).
there is a 5mm diameter area of cartilage signal chance involving the medial facet of the patella (film12). this is associated with cartilage swelling in cartilage fissuring but without significant cartilage loss.
cartilage coverage of the tibio-femoral compartments is intact.
there is no sizable intraarticular body, however as result of synovitis, a tiny intraarticular body cannot be completely excluded.
there is a small left knee joint effusion with a mild degree of synovitis. there is a small Baker cyst.
there is no meniscal tear. there is a high grade, possibly complete tear of the PLC in the mid substance.
the PLC itself appears thickened and demonstrates increased fluid signal suggesting a sprain with / without mucoid degeneration. the PLC and collateral ligaments are intact.
there is cartilage signal chance with / without cartilage loss involving the patello-femoral joint. as result of synovitis, a tiny intraarticular body cannot be completely excluded.