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The Response:-
As you are F4 attending a traditional famous Band 1 English School but with bad Eng.and weak Grammar.If you are not confident enough to read Eng.then you can take part in EF study tours to help your Eng.
When you participate in the international communication class,your Eng can really improve in expressing yourself.The Cantonese/E teacher may hold a conversation with you too.
You have to be psychologically prepared if there will be a debate on drama.You have to speak about the drama.You have to speak your mind ,say what you think, state your opinion, voice your thoughts on the subject by preparing before hand, by translation method, by applying for a long list of synonyms.
The study tour is a good opportunity for you to speak and express yourself. Because when you learn between jobs in working hours, you are utterly tired and cannot say something to the reporter/interviewer.
If you live in the dormitory you can still say something to those N.E.T. in conversation, in learning and practice as Practice makes Perfect.
It is an effective cure for poor English to effect the changes by putting into effect of achieving good English.whether UK or US, in your study tour.
Have a conversation with your teacher.
2015-03-15 19:52:38 補充:
Amendment:-Cost of an English Grammar Book=$50-60.
Cost of your study tour=$20,000
Grammar is the science of structure and usages of language,and correct use of words..According to grammar,you've to be grammatically correct by studying in a grammar-school from S1--S6.We care;we share !