What do you think of Kim Kardashian's blond hair?

2015-03-06 10:38 pm

回答 (44)

2015-03-06 10:44 pm
I think I'm glad I live in a country, where I almost never even hear her name, or know that her hair is blond now.

I can't imagine caring any less.
2015-03-06 11:19 pm
Terrible! Even uglier than before.
2015-03-07 7:27 pm
Pathetic, just like her.
2015-03-06 10:59 pm
I think it looks horrible..
2015-03-06 10:41 pm
Her previous hair suits her.
2015-03-07 9:22 pm
It looks fine, but I honestly and personally I liked it better before.
2015-03-07 9:14 pm
Now she looks even more like a bimbo.
2015-03-07 7:59 pm
WTFs a Kardashian?
2015-03-07 11:47 am
Rubbish,I can't stand the woman.
2015-03-07 3:38 am
It looks fine to me
2015-03-06 11:35 pm
Its okay
2015-03-06 10:42 pm
Who cares? Anyone who obsesses about her has got sh!t for brains!
2015-03-06 10:40 pm
I only know because you say to look. She looks better with dark hair. About everything she does is to stay in the spotlight as much as possible. The more she is in it the more money she gets.
2015-03-09 4:59 am
2015-03-08 7:06 pm
she looks like an owl
2015-03-08 6:37 pm
she looks like an alien lol*
2015-03-08 4:06 pm
it is blonde in color.
2015-03-08 9:53 am
2015-03-08 8:04 am
it looks really weird on her specific skin tone and it looks to fake
2015-03-08 3:13 am
I love it, it's a change and she's pulled it off pretty well.
2015-03-08 2:28 am
There's too much **** one has to worry about than stupid stuff like this, and quite frankly its kinda pathetic that people are actually worried about what celebrities are doing all the time, I'm just saying there's better things to be concerned about is all. I'm just surprised people have room to be concerned about what everyone else is doing all the time...
2015-03-08 2:04 am
It looks horrid she looks way better as a Burnett
2015-03-08 1:59 am
It looks odd, but I would still jack off on her boobs
2015-03-08 1:21 am
I don't like it. It looks too fake and artificial on her. She could have gone a deep wine red instead.
2015-03-08 1:01 am
She looks fine blonde, but looks way better as a brunette as it is more natural looking.
2015-03-08 12:24 am
i don't like it
2015-03-08 12:24 am
brings her eyes out.. be nice people jeez
2015-03-08 12:13 am
2015-03-07 10:59 pm
looks like draco malfoy
2015-03-07 10:51 pm
I don't really care.....!!
2015-03-07 10:16 pm
ew why -.-
2015-03-07 7:34 pm
I wish she would retire
2015-03-07 7:19 pm
Honestly It looked better before
2015-03-07 6:54 pm
I like it
2015-03-07 5:00 pm
2015-03-07 6:06 am
I think she can do whatever she wants
2015-03-07 5:57 am
2015-03-07 3:48 am
I like it.
2015-03-07 12:49 am
2015-03-06 10:42 pm
its ok. i like her black hair better
2015-03-06 10:40 pm
I actually really like it on her
2015-03-06 10:38 pm
She looks good to me.
2015-03-06 10:48 pm
same day same question? why?

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