IVE HD畢業做野定升Shape好?

2015-03-07 12:47 am
今年IVE Account HD(新制) 畢業,
但到以家都唔知畢業後應該做野定升學好... (好迷惘/_\

1) HD Account畢業出黎可以做咩工?
2) IVE個D Shape邊間比較好? and 應唔應該讀?


回答 (5)

2015-03-16 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) hd畢業想做會計主要係會計文員或local firm的auditor。Big4只會考慮大學畢業而且好少請公大,樹仁同其他top up degree畢業生。

因為做完三年BIG4 CAREER PATH比LOCAL好(有啲上市公司會計財務職位只會考慮做個big4嘅人,其他公司睇都唔睇),而且薪金升幅唔差,所以Big4就算工作辛苦,做到想走大有人在,但大把人照申請。

Local你預一入去月薪$10,000都無,客戶多數係中小企,有部份會做下上市公司聯營公司/子公司嘅核數。視野窄,人工低,所以有啲人唔建議選擇local firm工作,除非無得選擇。

2015-04-10 10:06 am
中大CUSCS的 accounting top-up degree 同樣可以考慮:


一年就讀完, 而且, 有三個會計師公會同時認可:

香港會計師公會 (Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
同 Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, 以及 CPA Australia.

未來工作, 出路都較多.
2015-03-08 7:57 am
我覺得你讀HD Account 應該讀埋top up degree 比較好 》《!!最好係 city u scope
嘅 top up degree ,最好不要讀Ive shape 的top up degree!!如有問題的話,可以whats app 我 90977698!!希望得到更好的選擇!!@@

2015-03-07 23:58:56 補充:
2015-03-08 2:50 am

Hong Kong Baptist UniversitySelf-financing Top-up Degree/Senior-year Bachelor Degree Programme
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Accountancy
The Open University of Hong KongSelf-financing Top-up Degree/Senior-year Bachelor Degree Programme
Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Professional Accounting (Full-time) - Year 3 Entry

2015-03-07 18:51:11 補充:

2015-03-07 19:52:30 補充:
以上兩項課程都較 IVE Shape 優勝。
2015-03-07 2:54 pm
1. No comment. In many cases, your studies has nothing to do with your work.

2. You should check the requirement for being a CPA first. It does not matter what program you choose. It matters if the program will not help you to get a CPA.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 18:27:31
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