
2015-03-04 10:12 pm
我同我屋企人一直住係九龍城直至上年,我同我屋企人宜家住係黃大仙,我諗住儲蓄了幾年錢,就會結婚,結婚後不再與家人同住,想問問大家我現在講"I live
in Wong Tai Sin." 有無問題。

回答 (6)

2015-03-13 10:30 pm
2015-03-11 12:58 am
Answer: I am living in Wong Tai Sin.

I am living in Wong Tai Sin. (temporary)
I live in Wong Tai Sin. (permanent)

Another example:
I am living with my parents and will move away from them after marriage.
2015-03-08 5:10 pm
I think it is OK
2015-03-05 7:50 am
After checking from Yahoo etc:-
(1)The present perfect continuous does not indicate the possibility of continuation in the future of living in Kln City--WTS.
eg:-I have been living Kln City--WTS for "3" more yrs. impatiently.

(2)The future continuous tense expresses continous actions at a certain point of time (to begin with after marriage) in the future.
eg:-I shall be going to live in a new house after marriage.

(3)The future perfect shows a completed action in the future before a point of time also:-
eg:-By the end of the "3" yrs., I shall have got my new home lee.

2015-03-05 11:09:22 補充:
(4)Without mentioning the past dwellings, you can say"I live in Wong Tai Sin lee." as the Present tense and is a general fact.
2015-03-05 12:56 am
I think it is ok, u can check it from dictionary, yahoo or google.
Hope it can help u.
2015-03-04 11:44 pm
無問題correct correct

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