詢問英文tense 問題

2015-03-03 4:47 am
I visited ABC Plaza last Saturday. I took a taxi to the plaza. I arrived there at 9:30am. The plaza was big with eight stories. There were many booths on
each story.


回答 (5)

2015-03-03 8:46 am
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Tense 大致無錯, 不過文句運用有的單調. 我自己會寫成以下文句.

I visited ABC plaza last Saturday by taxi at 9:30am. The plaza is (plaza 一直都係咁大, 除非你 Saturday 之外改細左, 否則唔會用 was) big with eight stories (你係未想講 store?). There are (情況同上, 因為唔係過去既事, 到而家都係一樣多書) many booths at each store (story? 定係你想講電影畫集???)

* 而引言黎講, OK, 就算用你本身文句都可以 (只要改返果小小問題), 但如果你想寫得好, 就要開始帶出主題, 所以係引言最後, 要有主題出現.

比如, 如果你想講其中一個 booth 吸引你, 你就寫 but one of the booth is very attractive for my first sight , 咁就可以開始帶出你想講既 booth. 呢樣, 視乎你想寫咩.
參考: 自己
2015-03-12 5:36 am
Tense 無錯 correct correct but 單調 d .ok ok
2015-03-03 11:09 pm
...with eight storeys (你可留意或高階查字典這個字的眾數不是轉為...ies的)
或eight-storey building或eight storeys building.
但講每一"層"時就不要再用each storey,就算英國英語也只會用floor來表達"每層",另一個寫法是on each level,尤其是多層商場或購物中心英語都會把"內層"講為level幾,而不是floor幾。

booth的英文意思是"攤位"或中文的"檔口"而不是商店或店舖,你應該用There were many shops on each level.才較為似英語人寫的英文。當然英語人寫小說會寫
The shopping plaze housed many shops on each level.

2015-03-03 4:18 pm

The past tense began and completed in the past without any connection with the present. Note that the storey (noun)--storeys,the use of past tense, and the beginning of your compo. in these sentences are responsed only.
eg:- I visited ABC Plaza last Saturday.
When I arrived by taxi there, it was 9:30 am.
"The tour began."
The plaza was big with eight storeys (or multi-storey or a eight-storeyed plaza)
There were many booths on each storey.
As long as you use past tense with similar words and expressions at the beginning of the compo., and storey (noun)--storeys etc. has no problem lee.
2015-03-03 5:45 am
There were many booths on each story.


2015-03-02 21:46:07 補充:
是否 in each story?


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