What if you can't help but be childish and you just can't grow up?

2015-03-01 10:50 pm
Is it possible that someone just can't grow up or be childish? what if it's just their nature to want to be taken care of like a child? And yet they have a job and everything but just want parents (but don't have any, cause they're gone), is this such a bad thing!?

回答 (4)

2015-03-01 11:00 pm
this is me!!!! I'm a university student but i feel so awkward cos everyone else seems so grown up...EFF it man, lets stay young forever!
2015-03-02 1:01 am
A person can try but there will be circumstances when it won't be appropriate or it won't be tolerated. If it was tolerated, you'd see more people who are childish. This isn't set in stone though. There are certain areas that allow such individuals to be mostly however they chose to be. The arts and entertainment industry is one of these places.
2015-03-01 11:41 pm
Yes it is possible and yes it is bad, the reason it is a bad thing is that if you constantly rely on others to look after you you will never be able to survive on your own and at some point in everyones life they will have to face the world alone.
2015-03-01 11:00 pm
it's the Peter Pan Syndrome

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:26:11
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