Chem+Analytical Chem question

2015-03-02 7:29 am
There are some question I don't understand and I need help. Thank you !!

Q1 Why there is no H2O formed if i put H2 and O2 in a container ?

Q2 What is the Full name of ICPAES? What is plasma ? Why plasma is used?
Why Argon gas is used?

Q3 What is the principle of Infrared

Q4 What is Sn1 and Sn2 ? What is the difference between them?

Q5 What is Method Validation? What is Verification?

Q6 If there a cyanide in the floor, how to treat them? What chemical should be used?

回答 (2)

2015-03-02 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The activation energy of the reaction between H2 and O2to form water is high. At roomtemperature, energy supplied by the surroundings are insufficient to overcomethe activation of energy, and thus no reaction occurs.

The full name of ICP-AES is "inductively coupled plasma atomic emissionspectroscopy".
Plasma is a gaseous state of matter containing major concentrations ofessential free electrons and highly charged ions.
To produce strong atomic emission, it is necessary toattain temperatures in the range of 7,000 K to 10,000 K.A convenient means of obtaining these temperatures is to generate an inert-gasplasma.
Argon is used as it is an inert gas which does not emit electrons atsuch temperatures.

In a molecule, the atoms can vibrate, including stretching vibration andbending vibration. The molecule can absorb IR light to make the atoms vibratemore vigorously. A particular functional group absorbs particular wavelengthsof IR for vibration. An IR spectrum records what wavelengths of IR are absorbedby the molecule, and thus the IR spectrum can tell us whether particularfunctional groups are present in a molecule.

"SN" is the abbreviation of "nucleophilicsubstitution".
"SN1" stands for unimolecular nucleophilicsubstitution, while "SN2" stands for bimolecular.
SN1 is a two-step reaction and the rate determining step isunimolecular, while SN2 is a bimolecular one-step reaction.

Method validation is "the confirmation by examination and the provision objectiveevidence that the particular requirements for a specified intended use are fulfilled."
Verification is "the evaluation of with a regulation, requirement,specification, or imposed condition." It is often an internal process.

Treat them with iron(II) sulphate solution. The iron(II) ions would covertcyanide ions to much less toxic hexacyanoferrate(II) ions.
2015-03-03 7:51 am
They're kind of like U-level questions. A U-level student who can't read books and find answers for these by himself is...
This is not learning, this is simply begging for answers.

2015-03-02 23:54:52 補充:
I'd treat the cyanide spillage by chlorine bleach. The alkalinity keeps the cyanide in its non-volatile anionic form, while hypochlorite oxidizes cyanide to give the relatively harmless cyanate.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:27:26
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