
2015-03-01 5:41 am
我長期為百個非洲黑人提供協助,我提供金錢俾佢地,當佢地唔夠錢用個陣,我會寄錢俾佢地,佢地每個駛錢速度都唔同,我宜家講"I have been providing assistance for black people." ,想問問大家用現在完成進行式有無問題。

回答 (4)

2015-03-01 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The present perfect continuous tense shows that the action of providing money began in the past, has extended up to the present, and may continue in the future.(=to send a cheque)
eg:-I have been providing assistance for black people whenever they need it.
eg:-I have been providing assistance for black people whenever possible.
The conjunction at any time, on any occasion,at any spending rate, must be added for the tense.
As an adverb on whenever:-
eg:-Whenever did you find time-energy to do all that big spending ???
Since their rate of money-spending each are different, the present perfect continuous tense does indicate the possiblility of continuation in the future only lee. Otherwise the present tense is a general fact for you lee.
2015-03-16 3:31 pm
單從 grammar 看, 幻想有用不完財富, 是 OK

用 zero article, black people 是指所有的黑人,. ~ reference to a general class of people

“I have been providing assistance for black people whenever they need it.”
~ 有問必應? 無限量援助?

I always try to provide financial assistance to 100 black people if possible.

2015-03-16 07:53:20 補充:
發問者句子 "I have been providing assistance for black people."
~ grammar 錯, 不是 tense 錯, 是用錯 preposition

I have been providing assistance to black people. ~ grammar OK, 不理其他的資料, 聽者信不信你講是另外一回事
2015-03-01 6:16 am
Present Perfect Continuous Tense




2015-02-28 22:17:34 補充:


2015-03-01 6:04 am

因為你這個行為, 直到你現在說話的一刻, 仍然繼續, 已成為一個慣例, 所以要用現在式.

I provide money assistance to black people when they need....
參考: 自己

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