
2015-02-28 9:39 pm


回答 (8)

2015-03-01 8:06 pm
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哀莫大於:There is no greater sorrow than
there is no hope in the heart
a hopeless heart
a total eclipse of the heart

There is no greater sorrow than there is no hope in the heart.
There is no greater sorrow than the pain in a hopeless heart.
There is no greater sorrow than a total eclipse of the heart.

2015-03-02 21:07:26 補充:
There is no greater sorrow than there is no hope in the heart.的'sorrow'(哀)是"there is no hope in the heart(滿懷失望)"
There is no greater sorrow than the pain in a hopeless heart.的'sorrow'(哀)是"the pain in a hopeless heart(失望心懷之痛楚)"

2015-03-02 21:21:29 補充:
There is no greater sorrow than a total eclipse of the heart.是我大胆借用流行曲扣人心弦歌詞中的"Total eclipse of the heart(被蝕的心)"的非正统譯法,'sorrow'(哀)是"a total eclipse of the heart(全然蠶蝕了的心)" 。

2015-03-02 21:23:36 補充:
One cannot be more sorrowful than giving up hope.
坊間的"Nothing more sad than a withered heart" can be written in a complete sentence as ""Nothing is more sad than a withered heart."
參考: total eclipse of the heart http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_Eclipse_of_the_Heart
2015-03-03 2:37 am
翻譯為英文是I was totally disheartened "?
2015-03-03 1:38 am
Nothing more sad than a withered heart


2015-03-02 8:36 pm

心死 give up hope (lose hope); give up desire

One can not be more sorrow than giving up hope and/or desire (for something, or someone which had been very important).
2015-03-02 4:45 pm
The Translations:-
(1)Nothing more lamentable (adj) than a dead lack of heart.
(2)Don't let this defeat totally disheartened (adj) you.
2015-03-01 7:16 am
Totally disheartened

HOPE I CAN HELP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: me
2015-03-01 6:16 am
語文....... 切忌 什麼英文 = 什麼中文....... 有時是對不上的.

要結合前文後理去寫, 比如呢句中文意思, 可以寫為........ really disapointed of you / mostly likely no hope on you / i will not put any hope on you / i will not expect you will do anything useful / i am so foolish that you will do something helpful

參考: 自己
2015-03-01 1:25 am


"Totally disheartened"

To wliile ^^

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