I want to change my Yahoo password. Yahoo keeps insisting that I have an AT&T account and have to do everything through that.?

2015-02-26 1:22 am

I paid for a Yahoo account through the late 90's to about 5 years ago. For a couple of years, around 2003, I had an AT&T account at the same time I had my paid Yahoo account. Ever since then, whenever I try to get help or change a password, Yahoo insists that I have AT&T and have to do it through that. When I use Help, Yahoo tells me I'm AT&T and AT&T tells me I'm Yahoo. I would like a Yahoo support email address so that I can finally get this fixed.


My updates aren't showing up so I'll try one more time. I just wanted to add that I can't change my Yahoo password because Yahoo says I have to do it through AT&T, but AT&T does not recognize my user ID or email address!

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2015-02-26 1:55 am
Yahoo Customer Care does not offer a direct email address for support. If you sign in using https://att.yahoo.com/ you have an AT&T Yahoo account and you must go through them in order to reset your password. If you sign in using https://mail.yahoo.com then you have a Yahoo account.

AT&T Email password change or reset - http://www.att.com/esupport/article.jsp?sid=KB413495&cv=804&ct=9000086&pv=1#fbid=3NJRuQVqMzg

To reset your Yahoo password you should go through the password helper first. This should be done from a laptop or a desktop. You can not reset account passwords from a mobile device. The videos contained in the following article shows you how to recover your user ID or password using a mobile phone number, an alternate email address, or by answering your security questions


If you are unable to recover your password using the link above you can use the next link to fill out a form to get support by email. If you do not know what to put in one of the boxes, click on the grey circle with an "i" to see what is expected.

Start here - https://io.help.yahoo.com/contact/index?page=home&locale=en_US
Click on "Yahoo Mail" and select the version you need help with.
Under Topic select "Password and sign in"
Under Subtopic select "Change password"
Under Recommended Options you will see the support options available.
One option is to click on the "Email" option.
This opens a fill-in form that you will need to complete.
Submit this form by clicking on the "Create request" button.

If you're able to recover your account here's some guidelines for creating a secure, strong password - https://help.yahoo.com/kb/mail/SLN3012.html?impressions=true

You should also edit your account information and update your mobile number and alternate email address.

Editing your Yahoo! Account Information - https://help.yahoo.com/kb/mail/SLN2717.html?impressions=true

Add an alternate email address or mobile number - https://help.yahoo.com/kb/yahoo-account/add-alternate-email-address-mobile-number-sln2058.html

Verifying alternate email addresses or mobile numbers - https://help.yahoo.com/kb/mail/SLN3544.html?impressions=true

Once you're able to change your password it would be a good idea to review your security questions and make changes if you don't remember your answers.

Changing your security questions - https://help.yahoo.com/kb/mail/SLN2031.html?impressions=true

You can also use a password manager like KeePass or LastPass to create and store strong unique passwords for the sites you visit. These programs can also save notes like your secret questions and answers to the password entries. LastPass can automatically log you in to any web site you have stored in its database.

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