中譯英... business letter, 求幫助

2015-02-26 6:19 am
(情況係咁: 個客人俾左張設計圖我, 叫我訂做一個USB手指, 首先我當然話我地做到佢個設計啦, 但首先我要問佢想訂做幾多數量, 因為如果數量係好少, 訂做就好唔化算, 因為開個塑膠模會好貴, 令到每個USB的單價就會好貴. 所以我建議個客人用我地一個現成類似的USB外殼黎代替.)

以下係我的回覆, 可以幫我修改下嗎, please...

Thanks for your email.

We can customize the USB flash drive as you request, but I would like to know what is your order quantity, if the quantity is small, it is expensive to mock-up.

Therefore, there is an alternative solution for you by using our existing model (COM062) to make your attached design.

回答 (3)

2015-02-26 5:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
mock-up是樣版/樣板(物品)或者是示範單位(建築) = 一般講mock-up只是有外觀型態而沒有全部的內部設備的。例如汽車或戰機生產商都會製作mock-up實物大小的模型給商家/"老闆"檢驗是否跟構想圖相同或合不合意,但未必是用真正的物料或結構,亦沒有發動機或操控系統等。

但你的主要意思不是單單做個樣版/樣板,而是真實「生產」的模板成本,所以我會直接講出這是討論真正生產的"mass" production最終的實物產品。由於這用詞是專業範疇,所以上特別指出這點你可多多留意(你可以參考一些專業的同行如何用詞或生產工序上的分類用詞)。


We can customerize the USB Flash Drive as you have requested, but I would like to know your quantity of order. It may be expensive to produce for small quantity that may exceed the standard pricing.

Alternatively, you may consider to use our model (COM062) to adapt for your own design.

[用to adapt是假設你的意思是用com062的殼來印上他們的設計圖便可以了-但假如你的意思是可以改造個殼的式樣則可以用to modifiy才表達出更多的空間給你容戶按他的設計作出決定]
2015-03-02 4:24 am
Case series Link: Zhang guests left the design to serve me and told me to build a USB finger, first of all, I certainly do, then I have to ditch a design you, but first I want to ask how much the number of drainage would like to order, because if the number of lines good little Hao Wu made it worthwhile, because the plastic mold will open expensive, so to each USB unit price will be very costly. so I suggest a guest with me similar to an existing USB enclosure Li instead.)
2015-02-26 9:44 pm
呢類文件, 如果唔想來回多次, 就要充分一的回答, 將 1) 達到MOQ (minimum order quantity) 同 2) 唔達到 MOQ 的情況都要講清楚, 令對方考慮.

Dear xxxx,

Thanks for your design of the USB flash drive, upon checking with factory, the status as below : -

1) If order up to xxxx pcs (MOQ)
The order MOQ is xxxx pcs and the unit cost should be USD xx.xx with free mold cost

2) If order not up to xxxx pcs (MOQ)
The unit cost should be USD yy.yy with mold cost USD zz.zz

So we would like to suggest to use our running design as enclosed (呢度係附上埋照片)which similar as yours then the mold cost should be free, please kindly consider. The unit cost should be USD aa.aa and MOQ is bb pcs (如果你地連一個都會接單既, 就唔需要打MOQ, 因為有的就算係 running item, 都會最少有 100pcs 果的少數量既 MOQ)

Please kindly review and advise your comments.

Best regards,


另外建議一下 : -
1) 你無提到時間, 即係要用新 design 要幾耐做 mold, 分別既貨期有冇分別.

2) 呢類要人考慮既文件, 唔需要太用交章式去表達, 用 point form 更易睇.
參考: 自己

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