
2015-02-25 5:43 pm

Darling send me your address and full name now so that i can send my luggage to you with your address. My luggage contains $4 million United States dollars, i want you to keep this luggage safe for me when you receive it. This money is my share from the money we recovered in our last mission and it is also a compensation for my hard work and for the death of my father over Iraq war years ago. But I want to use part of this money for charity work in order to help the poor and needy in our society, then we can invest the remaining in a good business when i come over there. It is our secret. Don't tell anybody yet till i come. We don't keep money here in the military camp. And there is no working bank now in Syria where i can deposit it so i have to send it to you. I trust you my darling, please don't disappoint me. I will leave here to join you immediately i finish receiving my treatment, before then the luggage must have been safely delivered to you. The luggage is not big, it is just a small bag. I attach a photo for you to see. I want you to know that you have nothing to fear or worry. I have to sleep now, am having pains all over my body. I wait for your address and information. I love you.

TO TOMING88 : 我看不太懂英文~可否翻譯詳述原因清楚點..謝謝!


謝謝大家提醒警覺,所以我故意回信告知方法不妥,我還要求附上軍裝照片,結果還真的有照片連頒授照還有PASSPORT照片都有了..內文如下幫忙翻譯: 有請大家幫忙看是否破綻不合理呢?


Okay darling. I understand you. You do not have to worry because the luggage will be deposited as a precious item to the security company and the company is going to back the money with tax, custom and all other necessary document.


So you don't have to worry about anything, there is nothing illegal about it. It is more legitimate and secure. And it will save us the long process and cost this why i choose thus method okay.


So i want you to send the address, full name, and phone number as the required information for this delivery. I will not write that person on LinkedIn again. I thought it was you but i got confused when he asked me who i am that is when i know it is not you because you know me.


. I send my military photo as you requested. You can see my name on my military uniform. I love you darling. I wait your reply now.

回答 (5)

2015-02-25 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
親愛的現在給我你的地址和全名,這樣我可以把我的行李寄到你的地址給。我的行李中含有4百萬美元,我需要你為我保管。這筆錢是我們的最後一次任務收回的錢它同時也是我的(工傷 他沒寫工傷但看文章最後)補償金,這也是我的辛勤工作和我的父親在伊拉克戰爭多年前的死亡賠償金。,但我想把這筆錢的一部分用於慈善事業,以幫助在我們的社會中窮人和有需要的人,剩餘的我們可以投資在一個良好的公司當我從我的國家到你那兒,這是我們兩個的秘密。在我來之前請不要告訴任何人,。我們在這裡的軍營不保管錢。現在在敘利亞也沒有仍在作業的銀笒我可以存錢,我必須把它發送給你。我信任你,親愛的,請你不要讓我失望。我接受完我的治療我將馬上離開這裡跟你一起,在此之前的行李必須被安全地寄付給你。行李不大,它只是一個小袋子。我附上一張照片給你看。我想讓你知道你不需要害怕或擔心什麼的。我現在要睡覺了,我全身都痛。我等你的地址和信息。我愛你

come over〔從別國﹑遠方等〕過來

2015-02-25 11:16:38 補充:


參考: 我也不知道,看你信不信對方,不然不知郵局能丕能申請代收,那真的非常信任,或沒有其他親人了,不然自已是不可能做這種事的,你自已多方想想了,意思大致對的
2015-02-26 9:39 am
這種詐騙已經行之多年了 以前都是奈及利亞 很多人都受過騙 損失重大 全世界都警覺之後比較少見了 原來現在改為敘利亞了

希望你不予理會並打165防詐騙電話 把信交給警方 通過媒體可警告別人不要上當
2015-02-25 7:54 pm
詐騙集團, 千萬別再碰這網友,四百萬美金, 他有可能帶在身邊? 尤其戰區?
美國習慣把錢放銀行,也不用存款簿及印章, 只要本人都能領, 錢放身邊做什麼? 一般超過五千到一萬以上金額, 銀行會上報, 就會有介入調查洗錢或做什麼,
你要出國, 行李要檢查, 身體也要搜身, 錢如何帶出去這麼大?
這謊謬的故事也有人信? 小心惹禍上身, 他只要說他己寄給你四百萬美金, 但箱子不是, 就是你調包了, 你也看到信,也看到照片,所以你貪念, 吞了錢,你得賠四百萬美金,
2015-02-25 7:30 pm
2015-02-25 6:30 pm

You often fall into the Syria-Iraq trap of trying to do everything for their army to arrest you,and get all your properties in TW.
It is a clever plan designed to trick you into a poverty trap, but they get the riches !

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