Why am I a clingy aquarius woman?

2015-02-24 7:59 pm
I am born February 15th, apparently aquas are suppose to be unemotional, hate the idea of commitment, and detached. I'm super emotional, sensitive, and am not afraid to committ. At times I can be standoffish but absolutely hate being alone.

回答 (5)

2015-02-24 8:48 pm
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There is more than just the Sun sign. You may have Cancer, or another water sign in your moon. You may also have Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn in Venus or Mars, or something like that. If I knew what year you were born on I would have told you. Look up your natal chart.
2015-02-24 8:00 pm
all women are clingy. It's a hormonal thing, rather than a zodiac thing.
2015-02-24 8:06 pm
Because you're a libra Aquarius from middle Feb, you guys are Aquas that hate being alone and are sensitive, emotional is not the right word for you guys, it's more of a harmony balance thing
2015-02-25 3:22 am
You'll notice your unemotional side later. Your clinging to relationships is actually to balance out your lack of emotions without them.. Aquarius do want to commit very much and their heart will remind them it's important to do so but it's not actually natural for them and sometimes it's the guilt of wanting to be free that makes them emotional.
2015-02-24 8:52 pm
There are often contradicting features in ones natal chart. Our Sun Sign rules our Nature. Our Moon Sign rules our Emotions. Our Rising Sign rules our Personality when first meeting someone, our first impression we make on others.
It sounds like you have an emotional Moon Sign which would be the Water Signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. I feel that you have much Pisces in your chart for your description is very much like PIsces.
And we all go through what are called "Progressions" in our life which means that sometime between the age of 0-30, your Sun Sign will "progress" into the next sign, in your case it would be Pisces. You will always have an Aquarius Sun but you will begin to "add" characteristics of Pisces into your nature. A natal chart isn't "static." We deal with many different energies as we live and grow, and these changes are reflected in our natal chart. Transits are how the current planetary placements temporarily affect your life by the aspects made to your natal chart. Progressions are how we add new and different energies into our being simply by the effect of aging.
So you really need to get a complete natal chart in order to know what your moon and rising signs are and also the other planets for they each mean something important in your life.
I am also Aquarius and at age 14 I progressed into Pisces. I went from knowing everything (Aquarius are often intellectually "sure" of themselves) to knowing NOTHING. Each sign is a reaction from the sign that precedes it. Had I have known about Progressions much earlier in my life I could have been somewhat prepared for this "addition" to my nature. But I AM an Aquarius that has added Pisces characteristics into my nature.
Another possibility is that you have a PIsces Mercury (how we communicate) or a Pisces Venus (how we love, as I do). Our Mercury can ONLY be in the same sign as our sun, or the sign before or after our sun sign. Our Venus can only be in the same sign as our sun sign , or TWO signs before or after our sun sign. Hence the possibility of more Pisces Energy in your chart.
Possibly you might have a Cancer Moon for your descriptions of yourself are very reminiscent of Cancer Energy.
Go to a site that gives you a Free Natal Chart so you can learn more about your Life Lessons you are to work on in this lifetime and also the Karmic Benefits that you have earned in previous lifetimes. Our birthchart gives us a "map" of what we are here to do in this life. Knowing what Life Lessons you will be working on makes the hard lessons of life more bearable AND always realize that once mastered, Life Lessons bring much opportunity and excellent energy into our life.
I just realized that since you gave your birth date as Feb 15 then you probably progressed into Pisces around age 4-6, which is rather early to progress into PIsces AND which would explain why you feel so much more like Pisces than Aquarius. You were born rather late in the sign of Aquarius. For someone born EARLY in the sign of Aquarius, say January 25 for example, their progression into PIsces won't happen until their mid-twenties which would be much tougher on them because the Aquarius Energy is so ingrained into their nature and PIsces Energy is SO different from Aquarius Energy.
Since your progression into PIsces happened so early in life you might not have even noticed the new Pisces Energy emerging into your nature. I would suggest that you try to think back and remember when you were little...do you remember having new fears or becoming very shy? Again, I believe that PIsces Energy has been with you for most of your life so of course it affects your nature. Interesting reason as to why so many people just don't "feel" like their Sun SIgn.
Hope this is helpful to you and have a wonderful day.
EDIT: I just saw that you hate to be alone and that is a characteristic of Libra Energy. So you might have a Libra Moon OR a Libra Rising. Just something to check out when you get your natal chart. Cheers!

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