
2015-02-24 8:06 pm

由於我們不想把p&c的資料給市場部看到, 煩請告知可否做到除了我和陳生看到外, 其他部門在報表上查看不到客人名和電話?

回答 (7)

2015-02-24 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To avoid the p&c information is exposed to the marketing department, please advise if it is possible to assign access permission to me and Mr.Chan only; thereby no other people can see client names and phone numbers in the form.
2015-02-26 8:15 pm

由於我們不想把p&c的資料給市場部看到, 煩請告知可否做到除了我和陳生看到外, 其他部門在報表上查看不到客人名和電話?

Since we do not want to p & c information to the marketing department to see, please inform me and the possibility to do except to see Mr Chan, the other departments to see less than a guest name and phone on the report?

To wliile ^^
2015-02-25 7:43 am
To avoid the p&c information is exposed to the marketing department, please advise if it is possible to assign access permission to me and Mr.Chan only; thereby no other people can see client names and phone numbers in the form.
2015-02-25 5:57 am
Since we don't want p&c's data disclosed to marketing department, please advise if the report can be created in such a way that, except Mr Chan and I, no other department can view the customers' names and phone number.
2015-02-25 4:55 am
由於我們不想把p&c的資料給市場部看到, 煩請告知可否做到除了我和陳生看到外, 其他部門在報表上查看不到客人名和電話?
Since we do not want to p & c information to the marketing department to see, please inform me and the possibility to do except to see Mr Chan, the other departments to see less than a guest name and phone on the report?
2015-02-25 3:05 am
Since we don't want the Marketing Department to see our p&c data,
please inform us whether you can avoid/stop other departments from checking
the name of guest(s) and his/their phone number(s) on relevant files,
except Mr. Chan and I?
2015-02-24 8:26 pm
Since we do not want to p&c information to be seen by the marketing department, please inform could it be seen only by me and Mr Chan, so that the other departments cannot see the guests' name and phone on the report?

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