I wouldn't want to know. I know some of my husbands past relationships and who they are and why they broke up. He knows a few of mine but really why would you want to know?
I only had to know if someone in his past was skanky strictly for my safety. That's all I cared about and that's all he cared about.
I don't need to know every detail, but sure, some things just come out. It's not like it's a big secret that he keeps from me, but it's not like he has to go on and on about his exes either.
No. I wouldn't want to know, other than that he was disease free and whether or not those past relationship produced any children. Knowing the details just opens people up for unfair negative judgment.
No, not at all. But it is normal for it to come up in conversation at some point, but the details, I don't want to know about it, it is his past after all for a reason.