hello how are you doing today?what are you thinking about right now?

2015-02-23 11:40 am

回答 (6)

2015-02-23 11:44 am
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hey pubu, it's been a very hectic day, just finished preparing answers of two parliament questions that were related with my department. haven't had my lunch today and now when it's 5.15 pm here, i am not willing to have it though i am feeling a little hungry. what is bad thing is that i hardly got 4 hours sleep last night due to various reasons and thus my head is feeling pretty heavy at this moment. need a cup of tea of my mom..haha..
wish someone could drive me back home, i am not in a mood to drive this evening :(
2015-02-23 12:53 pm
I am doing good today, bit tired and kinda bored on here. Thinking about people I guess.
2015-02-23 11:44 am
I am okay. I am thinking about the puppy that vomited on the floor at 3 am, it is almost 6 am. I am also thinking about my husband. You know that pilot that was set on fire by ISIS? Yeah we had to watch that video because there is a possibility of deploying over there. I am also thinking of my lifeguard course I start today and how mad I am I could not practice up to now because of a brown recluse bite that turned to a wound.
2015-02-23 3:09 pm
*head down and flip back my ears* Well... I feel very sad now, my pack was destroyed by the meanest fairies , they are very cruel that cast the evil spells on us .They even kidnapped my mum and dad! I really hate them very much, they deserve to die... *whisper* I am planning a revenge on them, please keep this as a secret, otherwise they can hear you and my whole plan will fail. This is my final chance. Shhh...
2015-02-23 1:12 pm
2015-02-23 12:45 pm
I am thinking about my ambition

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