a Scorpio man?

2015-02-22 4:54 pm
why does a Scorpio man shows me all the interest texting me calling me what he says he's not interested in a relationship with me I'm confused

回答 (6)

2015-02-22 4:58 pm
well all he is doing is being honest
a scorpio male will persue you then woo you seduce you and leave you
then he starts the whole thing again with his next victim
they can't help themself... you know the story "it's my nature"
2015-02-24 8:10 pm
Scorpio loves power and control. This is true in relationships too. The nature of Scorpio is deep and they lack trust.This is why they don't jump into relationships. They want to know ALL before committing themselves to a partner. Scorpio does not "open up" easily to others instead preferring to take their sweet time before making any commitment whether it be in the love department or the friend department. They are generally loyal when they have decided to choose their partner. So just know that it is not Scorpio's nature to jump into a relationship quickly for that is just not their nature. However, a Scorpio Friend is truly a gift for they will help you throughout any troubled times in your life. But you have to EARN their friendship due to that lack of trust they have within their nature.
Since this Scorpio continues to text and call you there is a possibility he is considering you for a partner. Again you have to be patient with Scorpio. They do not give out much information about themselves but they want to know everything about others. Scorpio can usually spot someone's weakness in a New York Minute. Then, if necessary, Scorpio can use that knowledge to their benefit. Scorpios are very deep people and must always trust their gut. They are often psychic too like all the water signs including Cancer and Pisces.
So I would suggest that you consider being friends first with this Scorpio and if that is as far as it goes, that is okay. Don't try to get more information out of Scorpio for that doesn't bode well with Scorpio. They want to control the timing of any relationship. They don't like others trying to get into their business as they are very secretive about all aspects of their life. Too many questions will run off a Scorpio. And don't talk about a Scorpio with others for again, that is a real turn-off for a Scorpio.
Understand that you will never control a relationship with a Scorpio. In fact, a good way to snag a Scorpio is to act like you don't even want a relationship. That gives Scorpio a mystery to figure out which will make them much more interested than being a "tell-all" type of gal.
Hope this is helpful to you. And always remember that when you want a relationship with someone and it just isn't happening, it simply means that you haven't met your REAL partner. Don't waste time desiring someone that doesn't feel the same way about you. Don't be sad or depressed. Instead, go out with friends or visit one of your relatives, especially the older ones that don't get much company. There are so many lonely people in this world that would LOVE a visit or a phone call from you. Plus you are making excellent karma when you brighten someone's day. Focus on others and of course, do what you enjoy doing too.
2015-02-22 6:01 pm
They like to chat with people as friends so respect that and don't expect more
2015-02-26 10:06 pm
Scorpio men are misunderstood. He may only be looking for friendship, you know. They usually are since they lack trusting people.
2015-02-23 11:57 pm
a scorpio male will persue you then woo you seduce you and leave you
then he starts the whole thing again with his next victim
they can t help themself... you know the story "it s my nature"
it s a game to them i was engage to one he did that and more
2015-02-22 6:47 pm
Probably looking for a one night stand like some men.
2015-02-23 7:29 am
theyre players manipulators stay away

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